"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." -Matthew 6:33
Hey all! I have been singing this one song all week long and while praying in my car this morning, I realized that it was something I really needed to hear which is why I couldn't stop singing it. The song is called More by Lawrence Flowers & Intercession (posted at the bottom of the page).
Many times we, as Christians, go to God about what we want and need and we make vows that we don't honor but rarely do we truly realize that we get what we give.
I was sitting around thinking one day and remembered that my name Teresa Renee means "harvester/reaper reborn." I just made this connection that we constantly say you reap what you sow. We speak it, many preach it, but how many times do we really pay attention to what is being said and apply it???
Back to the blog:
I feel like I'm all over the place with this because there are so many thoughts so I'll tie this all together right now. You reap what you sow, right? Right. So, if you want God to bless you(reaping), you need to give more(sowing). Sounds easy right? WRONG!!! We can get so distracted by everyday life that God becomes second to our everyday issues when He should be our top priority. I use my commute to and from work to pray because it's just me for 35-75 minutes depending on where I leave from. I'm not saying you have to spend all of that time praying, I sure don't. I sing a lot of the time when I'm not praying.
This is something like how the prayer went this morning:
"God, I know I have asked You for many things and I need certain things that You will provide for me. I don't deserve any of it but I am very grateful and I feel bad because You constantly bless me. I am constantly reaping but I don't sow as much as I should. I need to do more, oh wait, duh. Thanks God. You had me singing that song all week because I needed to realize that I need to do more, I need to give more time. Now, I will not make another vow because I haven't even honored the past vows that I made. I'll try to get back to the days where I would read, pray and encourage people everyday. There was a time where people would ask me for prayers, songs, and scriptures to help them get through the day or through a situation but that has stopped because I stopped. I realize that I need to do more and I pray that You would forgive me for slacking off. I need to get back on track, I'm asking to be closer to You but I'm still doing the bare minimum. I pray everyday but I read on occasion and that has to change. You deserve more and I'm going to try and give You just that. I'm going to go home and write about this in a blog because other people need to realize this too. I thank You for this in Jesus name, Amen."
The point of me sharing this was to help people understand that it's ok to ask God to bless you, but don't get upset if you don't see the blessings because you aren't doing you part. I have blessings being held up because I won't do anything about it. I pray and ask God about things and I have faith but the word says that, "faith without works is dead." (James 2:20) God loves it when we talk to Him, when we seek His face, when we depend on Him for more than material things. Try giving more time to God, He deserves it. Try sitting some time aside to pray and talk to God.
Some people say "I don't know what to pray about." Follow the example of prayer that was laid out in Matthew 6:9-13. He wakes you up every morning, allows you to have the activity of your limbs, you're reading this, so obviously He gave you sight. Thank Him for those things, that's prayer.
There are so many reasons why we need to give God more. Many people say, "you can't out give God," and that's true, but at least give Him all that you have.
I encourage you all to give God more. The song says, "I want to give my best to You. I want to do what You ask me to. I want go wherever You say, just say the word and I'll obey. I want to live a life that's real. I want to serve You, Lord, for real. For You deserve all this and more, so I give You more." If it's more prayer, more seeking, more witnessing, more serving, or even more encouraging, I challenge you to strive to give God more than He deserves. He does too much for us to collectively give all that He deserves but we can do something.
That's all for now
Until next time
Be blessed
Sista T
Song inspiration for the blog: