Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Will Win

I went to Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the first time in YEARS on Monday. The theme this year is Christian Olympics and for tonight I was asked to recite a poem and sing a song. I still don't know what song to sing but I did write a poem. The scriptures we'll be studying tonight are Philippians 3:14; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; and Hebrews 12:1-2. I used those scriptures as well as Ecclesiastes 9:11 to write this poem so you will see a bit of each scripture in here.

Let me know what you all think about it...

I Will Win - Sista T

I’m at the starting line

Get ready, get set

BOOM! We take off

But I’m far behind the rest

We’re pressing toward the mark

But I think it may be separate

I know I’m going to win

But they all seem desperate

To win this shiny trophy

While I chase a crown

And as I’m running

I see a few on the ground

They fell on their face

Chasing a trophy that’s breakable

I’m still in this race

Chasing a crown that’s incorruptible

They trained with weights, tracks, and trainers

And I did the same

They have the same names

How many know it’s a different game?

My weight is my God

My track is the streets

My trainer is the Word

With them who can’t I defeat?

Satan is mad

His people are falling

Falling on their faces

While I’m still running

I’m pressing toward the mark

Pressing for the prize

Not that shiny trophy though

I don’t need to blind my eyes

I want to see clearly

The Author, the Finisher

Who endured a brutal death

And declared me a winner

Now I may fall

But I will not fail

I will keep pressing

And leave my trail

The end is near

And I can see the finish line

I’m so far ahead

But I can’t get sidelined

With God as my author

And finisher of my faith

I know that the win

Is the victory to my fate

So here I am

Winning today

To prove to the enemy

Jesus is on the way

Now I’m not swift

Nor am I strong

But I do have Jesus

Who will run along

I will be pressing

Pressing to the end

And just to inform you


Thursday, July 22, 2010

July Update's been almost a month since I wrote anything. I've been so busy lately that I haven't really had the time to sit down and think about one thing. My dad told me on Sunday that I think too much because I started saying one thing and every other word reminded me of something else.

I just wanted to give you guys an update on my life since I haven't written anything.

  • I got into William Paterson again...yay!!!
  • I'm taking my last 2 classes for my Associates degree...I technically finished already but I'm taking 2 classes over to increase my cumulative GPA.
  • I found out yesterday that I qualified for the Dean's List for the Spring 2010 semester. I'm not sure if that means much to this school because I wasn't notified or anything.
  • I'm starting to look into grad schools since I have 3 or 4 semesters left in undergrad. The sooner the better...
  • I'm also looking into Law School...WOW...I never thought I would be saying that but I have a teacher who came up to me and asked me when I was going to stop playing and go to law school lol. I gave him my reasons and he explained that you don't have to be an attorney and how he knows a social worker who has a JD. She uses it with her Social Work background for the kids. Sounds interesting...
  • I'm back to reading, I just read an urban Christian fiction book called "Blessed Trinity" by Vanessa Davis Griggs...she is a great writer...I love every book I've read of hers
  • Ummmmm I haven't really had a problem with struggles like I did before and I think that's why my writing slowed down. All of my previous blogs were results of something good or bad that I was seeing or going through. Right now it's just school, work, and my sister's wedding.
Well that's all for now...

Later Loves!!!

Sista T