"You know a lot of times we sit around and think about how the world can change for the better. My brothers and sisters we gotta be about this thing. I want you to stand up on your feet and believe it. COME ON!!!" -Jor el Quinn
So once again, music has inspired me to write. I have been rocking to this song by 21:03 called "Time For A Change" featuring Chris Clark since I first heard it about 2 years ago. I always had this passion for helping people and introducing Christ through song. I have many, many ideas in my head from dreams, visions, and just being out at various events, but most of my ideas come from things I hear. Now my last blog was about motive (
Make Me Invisible), this one, however, is about ACTION.
We always say things need to change but we leave it to the leaders of the church. As a young female who is bothered by the things that are said by some young people and adults alike, we need to do something, seriously. That something has to begin with us. We need to evaluate our lives and learn about God before we can tell someone else about God. Our attitudes need to be right, our motives need to be right, etc. No one is perfect and I understand that but we need to be making an effort to be Christ-like. We need to be in prayer and fasting, going to church, going to bible study and things like that. We should be EXAMPLES.
There are a lot of places that are being attacked by the enemy and we need to be ready to stand our ground with the help of God. Our churches are being attacked, and don't think your church isn't being attacked because satan can have his angels sitting right in the congregation. Remember, satan knows the Word better than some of the "holiest" people in the church, which is why we need to be studying the Word. Other places that are being attacked are our homes, our schools, our jobs, and our communities. We need to do something people.
In the song they say we can't be ashamed, I agree but we can't be afraid either. I have 3 scriptures that come to mind when I say that. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus was talking to the disciples after he had risen and he told them, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." I have learned one thing about myself and that is, I can't teach something if I'm not confident in it and don't believe it. We need to believe what we are teaching otherwise it means nothing. Whether we are teaching Sunday School, or teaching through song, or poems, we need to be confident and believe the Word in which we teach.
The second scripture I'm reminded of is Jeremiah 1:4-9 when God called Jeremiah to be a prophet. Jeremiah's excuse was that he was just a child and God told him, "Say not, that I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." I used to say that, until I realized that people younger than me were looking at me. It made me realize that I'm older than SOMEBODY and even people older than me could be watching and be drawn to God through my actions.
The final scripture that reminded me of was in Exodus 3 where God sent his angel in the form of a burning bush. God was telling Moses to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go free. Moses asked God in verse 11, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" A lot of people, when they are called to do something for the Kingdom, will ask, well who am I to do that? Does God know the things I did? The things I said? The thoughts I had? Well yes He does and He can use anyone he pleases.
If you have read all the verses I mentioned, you would notice that every person was assured that God would be with them. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said "and, lo, I am with you alway,even unto the end of the world." In Jeremiah 1:8, God said, "Be not afraid of their faces; for I am with thee to deliver thee." In Exodus 3:12, God said, "Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee." God will not send you to do something and not be with you. You have to be in constant communication with Him though, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.
If you aren't sure whether God sent you to do something specifically yet, tell your story. I was watching an
interview with Evin and Jor el of 21:03 on youtube. They touched on that a bit. Paraphrasing, people can benefit from know what you went through. Telling your story can help someone get through a tough time or even let them know they're not alone. In my opinion, and from listening to others, some people don't like "churchfolk" because they "act too holy" and act like they have never been through anything.
It's time to do as we are called. It's time to reclaim God's children. It's time to walk in our purposes. It's time for a change. God is with us so why are we so hesitant? For those who are already walking in their calling, why not step it up a notch? Satan only wants to do 3 things, steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) It's time to RECLAIM what belongs to the Kingdom.
Speaking of reclaiming, there is a tour that began this past Friday in Minnesota. This tour includes Canton Jones, Claude Deuce, Willie "P Dub" Moore, Chris Clark, Da TRUTH, and 21:03. I have heard nothing but great things about this tour. It's called the RECLAIM Tour. If you want to start reclaiming God's children, start living like it. Pass out tracks (and don't say they cost too much because I can get 100 for $10 and some sites give them out for free), Bring your friends/classmates/roommates/co-workers to church, bring them to Christian events, bring them to concerts, buy them Christian cds, TELL THEM YOUR STORY!!!
Let's spread the Word of God and reclaim what belongs to Him. I have a goal, by this time next year I want to have had planned and organized a Christian event that young people would benefit from and make it an annual event. Of couse I will be praying about that but I really want to put some of these idea into action and help bring God's children back.
Are you willing to help reclaim His children and make this change happen?
Sista T
BTW...I don't want to offend anyone by what I say, if you know you are doing what you are called to do then fine. This is just for thought, not to come down on anyone because I'm not God. I can't say whether you are doing what you are called to do or not. That is between you and Him. So I hope it caused you to think about what you do for the Kingdom and if it inspires or encourages you, then praise God. That is all...