Friday, February 11, 2011

There Will Come A Day

"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord"
-Matthew 25:21

I was sitting in my room thinking last night and I just started writing what was in my head...

There Will Come A Day

There will come a day…
When I no longer have to cry
When I can wake up with a smile
When I don’t feel heavy
There will come a day…

There will come a day…
When I don’t have to wonder
When I can be confident at all times
When I don’t have to question
There will come a day…

There will come a day…
When my Father will come to rescue me
When I no longer have to live in this cruel, cold world
When I will hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”
There will come a day…

I always have dreams that things will change
I always believe that God will work things out
I have faith bigger than the size of a mustard seed
But “things aren’t changing fast enough”

I get discouraged like any other person
I question whether the things I secretly desire will become mine
I know deep down inside that God won’t let me down
I know that one day I will be just fine

That day may not be today
That day may not be tomorrow
That day may not come within the next 2 years
But I do know one thing,

There will come a day…

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