Thursday, October 29, 2009

Big Event Prep

So every year since 2007, I have been going to this retreat type event called Big Event. Now this is no "ordinary" retreat. In my eyes it is but they don't like to call it that. There is a very diverse group of college students eager to hear from God in Port Jervis, NY from many different schools in NY and NJ. Although there are many schools represented, there are 2 things all of the students have in common. A burning fire for God and an affiliation with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship.

Every year I go prepared to be empowered, encouraged, and refueled. I come back home a radical for Christ and after a while it dies down. This time I doubt my fire will die down, I doubt I go back to the way I was. I really want change in my life and this is my time of transformation.

I'm going to challenge myself, right now, to stay in God's will, read His word, Speak to Him all the time, and put my all into this relationship just as I had with my previous relationships, only this is true love and a relationship that will NEVER fade.

Be back in a couple days to update on what happened at Big Event 2009. Stay tuned...God Bless

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