The ride this year was very different, my best friend was driving and there were 2 people in the car that I had just met that day. While we were talking and getting to know each other, we found that we all had a lot in common. My best friend and I strayed away from God last semester but we're coming back in full force. The other two were invited to come and decided at the last minute that they would join us.
The whole weekend was full of joy, peace and happiness even though we all had problems at home. We were able to come together, pray for one another and keep each other encouraged. We had our times where we praised God, we worshipped, we cried, we laughed, but most of all we were all changed in some way.
The track (workshop) I chose this year was Evangelism. I learned different approaches I could use for different people to get the Gospel out. I was given "tough questions" that people may want to ask and I was also given tools on how to answer those questions and use scripture to back it up. The people in my track were split into small groups of 5 or 6 people and a small group leader. The people in my group we AMAZING. We were able to open up to each other and help each other, give suggestions on how we could improve or different approaches we could share to give a different outlook on situations we may run into. They also warned us that not everyone would want to hear what we have to say, and that some may even get hostile and say some crazy things but we have to be patient and stay in prayer.
One of the questions asked was "How can a good God send good people to hell? And how about if people have never heard about Christ?" Now we were told to first ask questions to get better clarification on what the person is asking, try to answer the question to the best of our ability, and if we aren't sure about something ask for an extension and ask someone who knows the answer. This is how our role-playing exercise played out:
- What do you consider good people?
- I know someone who does a lot of good things for people, they help the elderly cross the street, the serve at shelters, and things like that.
- Well some "good people" do not have a relationship with Christ.
- I believe in God but I don't believe in Jesus Christ.
- Have you ever heard of the Holy Trinity?
- No, what is that?
- Genesis 1:26 says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." and "our" is referring to the Holy Trinity which consists of God the Father, God the Son(Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Though they are 3, they are only 1. I can find another scripture to explain that but you would have to give me some time.
- Ok, I would like that, here is my number so you can call me when you find it.
- Ok, and here's my number so you will know it's me and if you have any other questions feel free to ask.
- What about those who never heard of Christ though?
- Oh, Matthew 24: 14 says "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations; and then shall the end come." That is saying that everyone will have a chance to hear the gospel before the second coming of Christ. This is why we have missionaries.
- Ok thanks, now I understand, but I have to go, I look forward to hearing from you again.
I found this to be very fun. Not just fun to ask questions and be on the difficult side asking very difficult questions, but fun to look through my Bible and share with someone the Gospel that I'm still learning myself. So answering these questions are actually teaching me something. I asked a few people to ask me those questions knowing that I would get different responses from everyone. While answering these questions, a friend of mine began to get personal and ask questions about faith and we got into a deep conversation and I had to really stop and call my Pastor and ask him to explain it to me so I could explain it to them.
Overall the Big Event was GREAT, I came back with a new fire and it's still burning high. I wish everyone had access to something like this because it will really help a lot of people.
We had 10 people saved that we know of and I heard that more were saved after we dismissed from Big Event. 2 of the 10 people were the 2 people I didn't know in my best friend's car. I was so happy when I saw the 2 of them make their way to the stage to accept Christ. I cried like a baby because I wanted to run up there and hug them both. I look forward to attending Big Event 2010, maybe this time I'll do the Leadership track...who knows
Until next time...GOD BLESS
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