Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wonder Women: Rahab

Rahab is the first Wonder Woman mentioned in this book I'm reading that was previously mentioned in my blog Wonder Women In The Bible. The reading about her came from Joshua 2:1-21; 6:16-25; Hebrews 11:30-31; and James 2:25.

From what I read, I can see that Rahab wasn't the "holiest" person in the world. She was a harlot (or what we now call a prostitute), which tells me that God can use anyone for the glory of His name. Rahab was used to hide spies that Joshua sent into Jericho. In return for her courageous act of lying to the guards and hiding the spies, also for her act of faith, her as well as her family and all they had were spared.

So much was in jeopardy but Rahab acted on faith and now we are where we are today. For a very long time I thought God couldn't use me because I did so many things we consider to be "bad" in my life. But the story of Rahab proved to me that God can use anyone no matter how messed up they are.

I encourage you all to think about where you are now and where God brought you from. When you feel as though you aren't good enough for God, remember that he can use anyone and anything to do what He wants. Luke 19:37-40 talks about when the disciples were rejoicing and praising God with loud voices. Some of the Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them and He responded "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."(KJV) That's just one example of God using objects to do what He wants. I don't know about you but, I would rather have Him use me than to use some rocks lol.

Be Blessed!!!
Love you all!!!
Sista T

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wonder Women of the Bible

I'm starting a book by Brenda Poinsett called Wonder Women of the Bible: Heroes of Yesterday Who Inspire Us Today. I don't really know what to expect from the book so you'll be finding out as I go along. I pray you all are blessed by this though.

There are 5 different parts to this book.

The first part (chapters 1-3) is called: Isn't She Strong? It highlights Rahab, Deborah, and Esther.

Part 2 (chapters 4 and 5) is called: Isn't She Wonderful? It highlights Ruth and Dorcas.

Part 3 (chapters 6-9) is called: Isn't She a Wonder? It highlights Anna, Martha, Priscilla, and Phoebe.

Part 4 (chapters 10-14) is called: She Did What? It highlights Jael, Abigail, The Wise Woman of Abel, and The Galilean Women.

Part 5 (chapters 15 and 16) is called: She Felt How? It highlights Hagar and Elizabeth.

I'm going through chapter by chapter, each chapter will highlight a new woman or new women so each blog will be a new chapter.

Love ya much
Sista T

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

YOUNG PEOPLE!!! (add in)

I wrote a blog last week called YOUNG PEOPLE!!! The purpose of that blog was to encourage young people to stand out of the crowd and be the person God created them to be. BUT, I left out a couple of things.

There was a point where I said "If you don't remember anything else, remember this: There is ALWAYS someone watching you!!!"

I went on to say that some people are waiting for you to mess up or fail. I failed to mention that you could be impacting someone's life and not know it. If you look around at the people younger than you, the people your age and even the ones older than you, you will probably notice that someone is imitating you in SOME way. It's up to you to decide, do you want them to imitate you doing something good or something that will ruin their life. Choose wisely :-)

Another thing I wanted to add in.

I said "You may not be called to speak or anything, you may just be called to be an usher, or a member of a choir, or a musician, or even an example."

I forgot to add in that Jesus was sent here for many different things. He played many roles in his short life here on earth. To name a few, He was a carpenter, a CHILD, a teacher, a Saviour, a sacrifice, and my favorite, AN EXAMPLE!!!

Last thing...

You DO NOT (and I repeat.........) DO NOT need a title to do the work of Christ. You do however, need the ANOINTING, but that's a completely different blog lol. Please keep that in mind. That is all I have for now.

Be Blessed
Love you all!!!
Sista T

Monday, February 15, 2010


I wrote blogs about it, I posted videos for you all to check out, I provided links for every artist involved with this project. Now the time has come to present to you all the Love & Suicide Mixtape (click here)

Now a lot of people ask, "what kind of name is Love & Suicide?" Well here's your answer:

1 John 4:8 - Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love

Philippians 1:21 - For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain

In order for God to effectively use you, you must LOVE others and die to your flesh daily(SUICIDE).

Get it???

Well check out the mixtape, let us know what you think!!!

Love you much!
Sista T

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


While in prayer, I was shown some things. I was praying for some people close to me and the more I prayed, the less it sounded like me. But I was praying for some young people and I said let them know that just because they're young doesn't mean they can't live for you. I was reminded of the passage in Jeremiah 1 that God has been leading me to for the past couple of weeks. I always asked what it meant, and now I think I'm getting it.

In that passage, God was telling Jeremiah how he was known and ordained by God before he was even born. Jeremiah said to God, "Ah, Lord God! behold I cannot speak: for I am a child." God responded by saying, "Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee." After that, the Lord touched the mouth of Jeremiah and said, "Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth."

There are a lot of young people being called to step up and stand out of the crowd. There's a problem though, many of them say the same thing I used to say, I'm too young, I still want to have fun. Well here's some news for you, God will use you when He wants to. Trust me, I learned the hard way. God had to completely break me down and shatter all of MY dreams before I said ok, God I hear you. What do I need to do? What I wanted wasn't part of his plan and He made sure I knew that.

But I really want to say that it doesn't matter how old you are, if you know God has called you to do something, don't try to do what you want to do, it will only hurt you. Just say yes to His will and walk in your calling. If you don't know what your calling is yet, STAY IN PRAYER! FAST! Trust me, He will let you know. You may even be walking in your calling and not know it.

If you don't remember anything else, remember this: There is ALWAYS someone watching you!!!

It may be your peers, it may be someone much younger than you, it may even be your elders. Someone is always waiting for you to fall, or mess up. Don't give people a reason to talk about you in a negative way. Give them a reason to say, I want to be like that, I want to live for Christ. When ever you get a chance, encourage someone. Don't try to put someone down, build them up. Invite your friends to church on Sunday and for weekly events. SMILE!!! Simple things like that will build the Kingdom, it will make people WANT to come back to church with you and live for Christ.

Another thing, don't just say you're a Christian, BE a Christian. Actions speak louder than words. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet, to speak to nations. You may not be called to speak or anything, you may just be called to be an usher, or a member of a choir, or a musician, or even an example. No matter how small you think their roles are, they ALL play a HUGE part in the church.

Now I'm not going to lie and say all of that WILL happen all of the time. I'm not going to tell you that it's as easy as 1-2-3. But I will tell you that if you do that, pray, fast, and exercise true faith, God will have His way and He will handle the rest.

Love you all!!!
God Bless
Sista T

Thursday, February 4, 2010

They Proved What???

So this semester I'm taking a Philosophy course. The class is pretty cool, makes me think and I get to make people think twice about their beliefs in every aspect. But there is one thing a young lady said that really bothered me. She said "There is a God because science proves it," then she went on to say that she was a Christian. It makes me wonder, can you really believe that if you're a Christian???

I know nothing about how science proves there is a God so I looked some stuff up and this is what I came up with. This physicist, Frank Tipler said "What you can show using physics forces this universe to continue to exist. As long as you're using general relativity and quantum mechanics, you are forced to conclude that God exists." In that same article Palmer Chinchen said, "Everything that is true is true because God made it that way. Everything that is beautiful is beautiful because God made it that way. Math works because God made it that way." I still don't see how that PROVES that God exists. They proclaim it, yes, but I see no proof. The writer, however, does say that Tipler explains the proof in his book, "The Physics of Christianity." I want to check that out to see what physics has to do with the existance of God.

I posed this question on twitter and facebook only to find that no one could really back up the fact that "science proves God's existance." I made an argument saying that if science did prove that God exists, where does faith come in? We are supposed to have faith that God, whom we never saw, exists. If science proves it, then that makes Hebrews 11:1 void. I also said that the word "faith" appears in the bible hundreds of times, so why would we preach faith if it's already proven?

Now in order to prove something, you need evidence: that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

We can prove that there is a higher being, but we cannot prove that the higher being is God because we have on physical evidence. Someone brought up a great point mentioning the wind and the ozone layer and how we can't see the but they exist. The wind you can feel and the ozone layer is made up of molecules, scientists supposedly "saw" molecules, therefore there is physical evidence of both.

There is proof that Jesus Christ existed and walked this earth but according to Exodus 33:20, no man can see God and live so as a living human being, we have no real hard evidence that God exists. We have miracles and things of that nature to believe that God exists.

There is that word believe again. Faith plays a huge part in our belief and if we can prove that God really exists, why would we need faith to believe Him? We BELIEVE that God performs miracles, we BELIEVE that He created everything. We can't see God come down and perform a miracle, we can't see Him come down and create something. He uses His people as vessels to do what he needs to do.

Now maybe I'm missing something. If I am, please let me know, just be advised that I will go back and check and I will debate everything if you could fully convince me that there is hard core proof. Be mindful, though, that some people claimed that all of the miracles and things could have been magic or something.

*click links to view my sources

Later Loves
Sista T