Thursday, February 4, 2010

They Proved What???

So this semester I'm taking a Philosophy course. The class is pretty cool, makes me think and I get to make people think twice about their beliefs in every aspect. But there is one thing a young lady said that really bothered me. She said "There is a God because science proves it," then she went on to say that she was a Christian. It makes me wonder, can you really believe that if you're a Christian???

I know nothing about how science proves there is a God so I looked some stuff up and this is what I came up with. This physicist, Frank Tipler said "What you can show using physics forces this universe to continue to exist. As long as you're using general relativity and quantum mechanics, you are forced to conclude that God exists." In that same article Palmer Chinchen said, "Everything that is true is true because God made it that way. Everything that is beautiful is beautiful because God made it that way. Math works because God made it that way." I still don't see how that PROVES that God exists. They proclaim it, yes, but I see no proof. The writer, however, does say that Tipler explains the proof in his book, "The Physics of Christianity." I want to check that out to see what physics has to do with the existance of God.

I posed this question on twitter and facebook only to find that no one could really back up the fact that "science proves God's existance." I made an argument saying that if science did prove that God exists, where does faith come in? We are supposed to have faith that God, whom we never saw, exists. If science proves it, then that makes Hebrews 11:1 void. I also said that the word "faith" appears in the bible hundreds of times, so why would we preach faith if it's already proven?

Now in order to prove something, you need evidence: that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

We can prove that there is a higher being, but we cannot prove that the higher being is God because we have on physical evidence. Someone brought up a great point mentioning the wind and the ozone layer and how we can't see the but they exist. The wind you can feel and the ozone layer is made up of molecules, scientists supposedly "saw" molecules, therefore there is physical evidence of both.

There is proof that Jesus Christ existed and walked this earth but according to Exodus 33:20, no man can see God and live so as a living human being, we have no real hard evidence that God exists. We have miracles and things of that nature to believe that God exists.

There is that word believe again. Faith plays a huge part in our belief and if we can prove that God really exists, why would we need faith to believe Him? We BELIEVE that God performs miracles, we BELIEVE that He created everything. We can't see God come down and perform a miracle, we can't see Him come down and create something. He uses His people as vessels to do what he needs to do.

Now maybe I'm missing something. If I am, please let me know, just be advised that I will go back and check and I will debate everything if you could fully convince me that there is hard core proof. Be mindful, though, that some people claimed that all of the miracles and things could have been magic or something.

*click links to view my sources

Later Loves
Sista T

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