Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Trust You

This post was started in late march and I finally got a chance to finish it. It's two blogs combined. I hope it will bless someone in some way. Here it is:

I know I have been ghost for a while, I'm sorry guys. God was working on me in some major parts of my life, and He still is, so please bear with me on these posts. I'll post as often as I can.

I started 2 different posts earlier this month, one in the beginning and one in the middle. I JUST realized how I titled both of them "I Trust You" and I'm also starting to see a pattern this year.

The first one was talking about the song I Trust You by James Fortune & FIYA but it wasn't the actual song. That blog was going to be focused on the testimony that James had given on their new cd Encore. That testimony was SO powerful and touched my heart in so many ways. I was able to relate to majority of the things he said in that testimony and I promise you that testimony was on repeat for a while.

In the testimony he began to talk about it doesn't matter how much you go to church, how many scriptures you know, etc. but there is a time where everyone finds it difficult to trust God. He began to share how his family was homeless and sleeping in a motel, and how his wife would fill the tub with pillows and blankets just so their son would have a place to sleep because the room was so small. Then he went on to say how he went and ministered to many people and so many people would ask him to pray for them not knowing that he needed prayer himself. One day he began to question and ask God "are you still with me?" He said that God shared with him that he had to be able to trust Him even when he didn't know why he was going through what he was going through, even when it seemed that God had forgotten about him, and it seems that God isn't with him, he has to be able to trust Him. He said that God told him he needed to be able to trust Him at THAT time, when he was going through because God was about to do something in his life that even if He TOLD him, he wouldn't believe it. It was then that James said "Lord I will trust you" and he began to get the words to this song "I Trust You" and it ministered to billions of people and God knew that someone was going to go through the same thing and He would need a song to encourage people. It was at that moment that he knew why God had allowed him to go through what he went through, He needed to get that song out of James.

That testimony blessed me even more than the song did and I pray that you all would go out and find a way to hear that.

That's not all to this blog though, for the past few months, God has been placing me in certain places to hear the same message over and over. I find that a lot of people are talking about praising God while at your lowest point.

Side Note:
I was struggling for a long time, and I'm still struggling with being single. I desired companionship so much and the fact that I'm not ready bothered me a lot. I honestly broke down a lot because I felt so lonely and I felt like there was no one I could talk to about anything. I felt like James for a moment, I love my close friends and family and when they need me, I'f I'm awake, I'm there. I don't care how late it is, I'm there. I was getting a lot of prayer requests and the whole time I was pushing my problems to the back burner as though they never existed. I had this one point where I was bored and I had done everything I needed to do, so I put on some music and let my mind run free. At that point, all of my problems came rushing back all at once and I needed someone to pray for me but I didn't want to tell anyone that because I wanted to be strong for them. Then that lonely feeling came back and I broke down again, while listening to that music, I heard a song in the background. It was Complete by Lashun Pace and I posted the song on facebook with the caption "Complete by Lashun Pace on repeat...enough said" and I felt that was all I needed to say because she said it all in the song. There was nothing left for me to say at all.

She took a pause in the song and said this: "I remember there was a time in my life, when I though I needed somebody to make me complete. I though I needed that special somebody to make me feel good. But I forgot about the scripture that said I am jealous God and beside me there is no other. So all you have to do is give your life to Jesus and let Him make you complete."

That song had me a little mad because I was talking about being so lonely and not having that companionship and that person I could talk to without worrying about showing weakness and all I had to do was hear that song to realize, that companion was ALWAYS there. I just had to go to Him. Just some encouragement.

Back to the blog:
These past weeks have been interesting because after hearing the testimony from James Fortune, I began to notice a common theme, well a few. Patience, Beauty, and Trust are the 3 themes I keep hearing about. Well beauty keeps coming in mind when dealing with young females, but patience and trust have been coming up a lot lately and it's a good thing because I have been "preaching" patience and trust since January. Not literal preaching but when talking to people I find myself using the words trust and patience a lot.

I'm not going to ramble on about the latest updates on patience and trust so I'll stop here. I hope you all are blessed by what is laid on my heart. Love you all!!!

God Bless

Sista T

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