Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Wants It All

I was listening to a song that really caught my attention because it's very short, sweet, and to the point. The song is "He Wants It All" by Forever Jones. If you never heard it before, listen now:

This song says so much and brings back so many memories of things I said and things I heard dealing with commitment. I always hear people ask the question: Jesus died for us why not live for Him?

Well...............Why not???

Is it because we're selfish??? I think so, but that's my personal opinion.

A lot of people out there will yell, " I love Jesus" or "I love God" but when it comes to giving up worldly things and dying to their flesh, they suddenly become quiet.


Here is my challenge:
Fast for a week, from something that you THINK you can't live without, something that will distract you from speaking to God or reading the Bible. Give your ALL to Christ for a week.

Now if you already do that then of course I'm not talking to you, but let's be honest with ourselves, most of us can't go a day without our cell phones, or laptops, or some form of technology and that draws us away from God and we stop giving Him our ALL. *raises hand in guilt*

Yeah, I said it, I'm taking this challenge also. I'm hiding my laptop for a whole week. I wake up on it, fall asleep on it, and as a result, I "forget" to read my Bible and "forget" to pray.

He wants it ALL...

So let's give it to Him...

Love you much!!!

Sista T

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