Saturday, May 22, 2010

Calling All Children of God

Last night I was going out for my "last night out" in Philly. I was going to a club in Philly just to chill out and hear DJ Wallah spin for the last time. That didn't happen and we ended up riding around Philly looking for something to do. I honestly think that night was supposed to happen like that because I said and heard some things that really bothered me.

I hear older adults speak a lot about young people and self respect and I had the privelage to get in on some of the conversations and learn a lot. Here is what I learned:

Young Men:

You say you are looking for the "wifey type" yet you chase after the girls who think they have to bend over in the clubs and/or show off all of their flesh.

Young Ladies:

You want a man to treat you with respect, but you don't have enough respect for yourself for ANYONE to begin to respect you.

I don't understand what goes through the minds of these young people at all. I heard someone say "these girls are going to be mad when they have a guy that they are having sexual relations with and he leaves them for the young lady who refuses to give herself up. Men like that challenge and if you don't give yourself up, they will develop a respect for you."

I promise that is what I wanted to say for so long because I see it all the time. I'm just a young girl though, so I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm only 22, I'm not experienced in life enough to come to that conclusion.

From a young woman to my peers and younger people:

It's time for us to stand out of the crowd and show these kids what is right. We need to stop trying to be like everyone else. We were made to be different, we were made in God's image (Genesis 1:26). We are in this world but we're not OF this world, meaning we live here yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to act like it. Like Tye Tribbett's last cd stated "It's time to STAND OUT!!!" He asked a question and I really sat there and thought, there should be no reason he should be asking "people of God where is the standard at?"

I was looking for a scripture and came across John 15:19 where Jesus was speaking and said "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." Now to me that's basically saying that If you were of this world, it would love you, but you were chosen by God, so the world hates you. So my question now is, why would you try to embrace the world if it hates you??? Idk maybe I'm alone on that one.

At any rate, we need to stand out, seriously. You don't know when the last person will get that chance to accept or reject Christ. My suggestion is to get right now and leave this world alone.

Love you much!!!

Sista T

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are You A Rebel?

I was listening to a song (I say that a lot), and I heard a guy say something along the lines of serving God is like being a rebel because no one does it anymore. I don't know about anyone else, but that really bothered me.

The song I was listening to was Rebel Intro from Lecrae's Album, Rebel. The guy in the background said "I know in our day, rebel means sinner. But everyone is sinning, so it's no longer rebellious to sin." Then toward the end he said "If you really want to be a rebel, read your Bible because no one's doing that. That's rebellion, that's the only rebellion left."

I just love how listening to music leads me to think about certain things that really need to be addressed. This issue is HUGE!!! Sinning has become a normal thing in this world. Just look around, there are girls in MIDDLE SCHOOL pregnant. Girls in high school pregnant with A SECOND CHILD!!! KIDS smoking weed, and more, this is just sad.

I never thought sinning would get this bad. But I'm seeing this world get worse and worse right before my eyes.

So my question to you is...Are you a rebel???

Love you much!!!

Sista T

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Wants It All

I was listening to a song that really caught my attention because it's very short, sweet, and to the point. The song is "He Wants It All" by Forever Jones. If you never heard it before, listen now:

This song says so much and brings back so many memories of things I said and things I heard dealing with commitment. I always hear people ask the question: Jesus died for us why not live for Him?

Well...............Why not???

Is it because we're selfish??? I think so, but that's my personal opinion.

A lot of people out there will yell, " I love Jesus" or "I love God" but when it comes to giving up worldly things and dying to their flesh, they suddenly become quiet.


Here is my challenge:
Fast for a week, from something that you THINK you can't live without, something that will distract you from speaking to God or reading the Bible. Give your ALL to Christ for a week.

Now if you already do that then of course I'm not talking to you, but let's be honest with ourselves, most of us can't go a day without our cell phones, or laptops, or some form of technology and that draws us away from God and we stop giving Him our ALL. *raises hand in guilt*

Yeah, I said it, I'm taking this challenge also. I'm hiding my laptop for a whole week. I wake up on it, fall asleep on it, and as a result, I "forget" to read my Bible and "forget" to pray.

He wants it ALL...

So let's give it to Him...

Love you much!!!

Sista T