The song I was listening to was Rebel Intro from Lecrae's Album, Rebel. The guy in the background said "I know in our day, rebel means sinner. But everyone is sinning, so it's no longer rebellious to sin." Then toward the end he said "If you really want to be a rebel, read your Bible because no one's doing that. That's rebellion, that's the only rebellion left."
I just love how listening to music leads me to think about certain things that really need to be addressed. This issue is HUGE!!! Sinning has become a normal thing in this world. Just look around, there are girls in MIDDLE SCHOOL pregnant. Girls in high school pregnant with A SECOND CHILD!!! KIDS smoking weed, and more, this is just sad.
I never thought sinning would get this bad. But I'm seeing this world get worse and worse right before my eyes.
So my question to you is...Are you a rebel???
Love you much!!!
Sista T
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