Monday, January 4, 2010

Something's Missing

I know I'm talking about relationships a lot, but I see a LOT of young people getting married now and they are settling for less than what they deserve. I posted this song Every Girl (Remix) a few blogs ago and this is what really had me thinking about people and their situations.

Back in April of 2009, GI(God's Image) released their self-titled debut album. On this CD was a song "Something's Missing". In the beginning Marlon 'Artist' Anderson stated that "The relationships that last a lifetime are the relationships that are ordained by God." I find this statement to be so true and while listening to the song, 2 Corinthians 6:14 came to mind. It reads:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

We need to be in constant communication with God in relationships, well all the time, but especially in relationships. Sometimes people are placed in our lives to teach us certain things, and if you go through the same thing in every relationship. PLEASE don't blame it on the opposite sex. The problem is you lol, seriously. That only means that you haven't learned what you needed to learn and you're going to go through it until you learn and grow from it.

Sometimes we get into relationships and we get this gut feeling like something isn't right. I would advise everyone to pray and find out what it is because sometimes it's God telling you that you don't belong there. I know most people heard the saying "everything that glitters isn't gold," well if only you knew just how true it was. Listen to the song and you will get an example of what I mean.


  1. So true if you see a pattern then someone needs to look in the mirror...sometimes we too quick look at everyone but ourselves.

  2. I'm really feelin the important message in your post and the song.

  3. @Nikki You're so right, so many of us are quick to blame someone else for something that has nothing to do with them.

    @Danny thank you so much
