"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth" - 2 Timothy 2:15
I've been saying for a while that I need to get in my Word and stop playing around and a bunch of other stuff. I had a conversation last night with a friend of mine and they said "I really need to get into my Word this summer."
That statement had me thinking a lot last night, as well as all day today. I really need to get in my Word. We all do. I know I say it a lot, I don't know, I may have said it countless times on here and stressed the importance of reading the Bible.
I don't read as much as I should. I don't study as much as I should. I don't pray as much as I should.
Don't get me wrong, I do pray and read the Bible, just not as much as I know I should be. I should be studying certain things for Bible Study at my church, certain things for the Young Women's Fellowship, the Women's Fellowship, Sunday School, Praise Dance, and even things involving music.
I tend to say "I'll lay down for a minute, I'm bored, I'll get up later and read the Bible."
Realistically, I go to sleep (because I'm bored), I wake up, eat, talk to people online, get on the phone, then I wake up the next morning like "oh dag, I forgot to pray and read the Bible."
Today, not too long ago, I was watching this live video chat Trip Lee was doing for the release of his new cd "Between Two Worlds" (it releases tomorrow). There was a point where someone asked him the meaning behind a song and he said "hold on, give me a second." Then, he went and pulled out his Bible and read a passage from Colossians. I was also on skype talking to my sis and I said "he better bring out that Word!!!" But in the back of my mind I was thinking, dag, I need to get in my Word.
Then later on I found out Trip's age, he's my age!!! That added the topping on the cake.
I was sitting here like, dag man, this dude is my age and it's evident that he knows his Word, I know a little something but not as much as I want to know. I really want to learn more, but I need to stop playing around and get serious. Then I said again, "dag man, I need to get in my Word"
I'm going to tell myself what I tell a lot of other people. Don't just try/talk about it...just do it!!!
[As I'm writing this my alarm went off for me to pray at 9 :-)]
I'm getting in my Word.
Are you in???
Later Loves!!!
Sista T
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