Monday, December 20, 2010

Letting Go

I was sitting here listening to 3 songs over and over and my mind started wandering. The songs all had the word "breakthrough" in them and they are "Another Breakthrough", "New Day Dawning", and "Lord of the Breakthrough" all by Mary Alessi.

I was just saying earlier that I was waiting on my breakthrough and after listening to these songs again I started thinking heavily. I have been praying that God would take me to a new place in Him and for the past week I have been praying for a breakthrough. I realized that I was being told what to do while sitting in church but I didn't notice it. I have a lot to let go of. There are things from my childhood, my teenage years, and things from my adulthood that I allowed to get to me. Even the smallest things such as someone lying on me in high school. I never let this stuff go and now I am suffering because of it. I now have to deal with all of those issues to get what I asked for.

I heard someone say that you have to be careful of what you ask for and I heard someone else say that letting go is hard to do. I didn't truly understand what they meant until a little while ago. I asked for a new place in God and a breakthrough, to get that I have to sacrifice something. What I have to sacrifice is my attitude and all the hate, anger, and negativity that I claimed to let go. In all actuality, I never let that stuff go, I just stuffed it under a rug and hid it in some backed up tears. I have to really sit here and forgive every person that did something to me, let the issue go and repent for holding that stuff against people. I said I don't hold grudges and I realized that I'm notorious for doing that and was in denial for years. If someone makes me mad I will bring up something that has nothing to do with the situation just so they would be just as mad if not even more mad than I was at the time.

I learned a lot about myself in those few minutes and I hope someone learns from this. I won't put all my business out there as far as who hurt me, and who I hold grudges against, that's just too much information. But if I did that to you and you just so happen to read this. Just know that I forgive you and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for holding that against you. No, I'm not talking directly to any one person, it's a general apology to everyone I held a grudge against. I would also like to apologize to everyone I hurt, I know I have a bad attitude and I say a lot out of spite just to hurt people. That is about to change though, with the help of God, it will change.

That's all I have for now. I just needed to get that off my chest. I'm not sure I will get back into blogging anytime soon but you all will know if I do.

Love you much
Sista T

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Will Win

I went to Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the first time in YEARS on Monday. The theme this year is Christian Olympics and for tonight I was asked to recite a poem and sing a song. I still don't know what song to sing but I did write a poem. The scriptures we'll be studying tonight are Philippians 3:14; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; and Hebrews 12:1-2. I used those scriptures as well as Ecclesiastes 9:11 to write this poem so you will see a bit of each scripture in here.

Let me know what you all think about it...

I Will Win - Sista T

I’m at the starting line

Get ready, get set

BOOM! We take off

But I’m far behind the rest

We’re pressing toward the mark

But I think it may be separate

I know I’m going to win

But they all seem desperate

To win this shiny trophy

While I chase a crown

And as I’m running

I see a few on the ground

They fell on their face

Chasing a trophy that’s breakable

I’m still in this race

Chasing a crown that’s incorruptible

They trained with weights, tracks, and trainers

And I did the same

They have the same names

How many know it’s a different game?

My weight is my God

My track is the streets

My trainer is the Word

With them who can’t I defeat?

Satan is mad

His people are falling

Falling on their faces

While I’m still running

I’m pressing toward the mark

Pressing for the prize

Not that shiny trophy though

I don’t need to blind my eyes

I want to see clearly

The Author, the Finisher

Who endured a brutal death

And declared me a winner

Now I may fall

But I will not fail

I will keep pressing

And leave my trail

The end is near

And I can see the finish line

I’m so far ahead

But I can’t get sidelined

With God as my author

And finisher of my faith

I know that the win

Is the victory to my fate

So here I am

Winning today

To prove to the enemy

Jesus is on the way

Now I’m not swift

Nor am I strong

But I do have Jesus

Who will run along

I will be pressing

Pressing to the end

And just to inform you


Thursday, July 22, 2010

July Update's been almost a month since I wrote anything. I've been so busy lately that I haven't really had the time to sit down and think about one thing. My dad told me on Sunday that I think too much because I started saying one thing and every other word reminded me of something else.

I just wanted to give you guys an update on my life since I haven't written anything.

  • I got into William Paterson again...yay!!!
  • I'm taking my last 2 classes for my Associates degree...I technically finished already but I'm taking 2 classes over to increase my cumulative GPA.
  • I found out yesterday that I qualified for the Dean's List for the Spring 2010 semester. I'm not sure if that means much to this school because I wasn't notified or anything.
  • I'm starting to look into grad schools since I have 3 or 4 semesters left in undergrad. The sooner the better...
  • I'm also looking into Law School...WOW...I never thought I would be saying that but I have a teacher who came up to me and asked me when I was going to stop playing and go to law school lol. I gave him my reasons and he explained that you don't have to be an attorney and how he knows a social worker who has a JD. She uses it with her Social Work background for the kids. Sounds interesting...
  • I'm back to reading, I just read an urban Christian fiction book called "Blessed Trinity" by Vanessa Davis Griggs...she is a great writer...I love every book I've read of hers
  • Ummmmm I haven't really had a problem with struggles like I did before and I think that's why my writing slowed down. All of my previous blogs were results of something good or bad that I was seeing or going through. Right now it's just school, work, and my sister's wedding.
Well that's all for now...

Later Loves!!!

Sista T

Monday, June 28, 2010

Teach Me

Yesterday I was sitting around thinking about some things and I got really upset. I got upset because there were certain things I really really wanted, but I knew good and well I couldn't have. I didn't want to talk to anyone at all and went into "hibernation" for a couple hours. During those hours, I prayed that God would teach me how to truly be patient and love others the way He loves me. I think that was a turning point in my life.

I was watching a video Jessica Reedy did the other day and she was saying how she was thinking about herself and how she was wrong, she was being selfish. That's how I felt yesterday. I felt like I was only thinking about myself and not worrying about why I had to wait. I never paid attention to the fact that I had to be prepared to get what I wanted but that was going to take some time.

Sometimes we get so caught up in ourselves and what we want that we forget the important things. Getting caught up in our desires can sometimes cause us to stray away from the will of God.

Wow...I love the way God works...I wasn't even going to bring this up but something was revealed to me.

While writing that, I was thinking about yesterday's sermon. Our Youth Minister, Jason Ford spoke about Jonah and how he, instead of going to Nineveh, fled to Tarshish. He was saying how we often ask ourselves, "How did I get here?" For those of you who really have no clue, you put yourself in a compromising situation where God couldn't protect you.

For Jonah, that compromising situation was fleeing to Tarshish. He ended up on a ferry and the Bible says that "the Lord sent out a great wind." All of the men on the ship started calling out to their gods to lighten up the storm but it never lightened up and they went to Jonah who was fast asleep. They said wake up and call on your God so that He may spare our lives. They asked him many questions like, what is your job? Where are you coming from? Where are you from? Who is your people?

Jonah told them he was a Hebrew, his God was the God of heaven who made the sea and dry land and what he had done. They became afraid and asked why did you do this? What should we do to you so the storm would calm down? Then it says that they cried out to the Lord. [Funny they cried out to their gods at first and nothing happened so they ended up crying out to the Almighty God.] They begged God to spare their lives and not punish them for Jonah's wrong doing and sent forth an offering and made vows unto God. They threw Jonah off the boat and the storm calmed.

As you can see, while Jonah was only thinking of himself and not what God wanted, others were suffering. It made me think about how trying to get what I wanted caused me to hurt some people. I didn't want to wait and I walked out of the will of God, so people were hurt, I was hurt and I had to wait even longer. Jonah's punishment was being swallowed by a "great fish" for three days and three nights.

While in the belly of that great fish, Jonah had some time to think; while at home, Jessica had some time to think; while in "hibernation", I had some time to think. We all prayed and cried out to God, we all came to a similar conclusion. Even though we all were being selfish and thinking about ourselves, God STILL showed us mercy. Minister Ford said "you should not get to a point where your depending on God's mercy." I said "wow...I was there...I was at a point where I had completely stepped out of the will and did as I pleased, then I came crying back for God to show mercy, and He did."

My prayer in "hibernation," or as I like to call it sometimes, "isolation," was for God to teach me how to be patient, walk in the purpose He has for me. Like God told Jeremiah (Jer. 1:5), before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you. Before you came out of the womb, I sanctified you and ordained you." God teach me how to love like You love me. God teach me how to truly trust you like James Fortune mentioned, when I'm in my lowest of lows, in my deepest valley, God teach me... Save me from myself, my flesh wants certain things but my soul wants to please you. God teach me...God save me

This should be the prayer of all Christians. We all have things that we need to learn and I read something by Kirk Franklin in his latest book "The Blueprint", where he said that we try to learn from others and not from the Creator. We should not be looking for others to teach us how to live for Christ, we should be asking God to teach us. The only way for us to learn is by communication. We have to stay in prayer and in the Word. We have to truly love God. Jessica Reedy said it best, "how can you love a God you don't know?" Read your Word...

That's all I have to say

Later Loves!!!

Sista T

P.S. While reading this over, I was reminded of a blog my sis Nicole had written called "Have Patience While You're FAITHFULLY Waiting For God To Move" She mentioned a scripture where God said "sit still." I encourage you to stop for a moment, sit there, sit still, pray, read your Word, and sit there, sit still, wait for God to tell you to move. See where He takes you and continue to do that in your daily walk. You can't go wrong following God :-)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Are You In???

"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth" - 2 Timothy 2:15

Hey Hey Hey Loves!!!

I've been saying for a while that I need to get in my Word and stop playing around and a bunch of other stuff. I had a conversation last night with a friend of mine and they said "I really need to get into my Word this summer."

That statement had me thinking a lot last night, as well as all day today. I really need to get in my Word. We all do. I know I say it a lot, I don't know, I may have said it countless times on here and stressed the importance of reading the Bible.

I don't read as much as I should. I don't study as much as I should. I don't pray as much as I should.

Don't get me wrong, I do pray and read the Bible, just not as much as I know I should be. I should be studying certain things for Bible Study at my church, certain things for the Young Women's Fellowship, the Women's Fellowship, Sunday School, Praise Dance, and even things involving music.

I tend to say "I'll lay down for a minute, I'm bored, I'll get up later and read the Bible."

Realistically, I go to sleep (because I'm bored), I wake up, eat, talk to people online, get on the phone, then I wake up the next morning like "oh dag, I forgot to pray and read the Bible."

Today, not too long ago, I was watching this live video chat Trip Lee was doing for the release of his new cd "Between Two Worlds" (it releases tomorrow). There was a point where someone asked him the meaning behind a song and he said "hold on, give me a second." Then, he went and pulled out his Bible and read a passage from Colossians. I was also on skype talking to my sis and I said "he better bring out that Word!!!" But in the back of my mind I was thinking, dag, I need to get in my Word.

Then later on I found out Trip's age, he's my age!!! That added the topping on the cake.

I was sitting here like, dag man, this dude is my age and it's evident that he knows his Word, I know a little something but not as much as I want to know. I really want to learn more, but I need to stop playing around and get serious. Then I said again, "dag man, I need to get in my Word"

I'm going to tell myself what I tell a lot of other people. Don't just try/talk about it...just do it!!!
[As I'm writing this my alarm went off for me to pray at 9 :-)]

I'm getting in my Word.

Are you in???

Later Loves!!!

Sista T

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's Time NOW!!!

For the last few days I have been noticing that the music I hear, the statuses I see on various social networks, and things I talk to people about always point back to the fact that people are acting like this world will never come to an end.

On Sunday, my mom preached a sermon called "Follow Me First" and she spoke about how we have so many problems in our lives and wonder why. We always put our needs and wants ahead of everything and we "forget" about God. She used Luke 14:26-27 as her starting point; not discrediting the fact that the Bible says to honor you mother and father and love your enemies, but showing that God comes first. She used other scriptures such as Exodus 20:12 which is one of the 10 Commandments that states "Honor thy father and thy mother...", Luke 6:27 which says " your enemies, do good to them that hate you", and John 15:12 which states "this is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you."

Then she used Matthew 10:37 which says "he that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me," to show that God is to come first, before your spouse, family, friends, associates, cars, houses, everything, GOD COMES FIRST!!!

I know it's a lot of scriptures, but I was taught that we should not go off what anyone says and that we should always go back to the scriptures. I'm making it easy on you, I'm giving you all of them lol.

Back to the blog:
My mom then, began to support that last statement made by using Matthew 6:33(I wrote it out below) and using the CHILD Jesus as an example. She used Luke 2:49 where Jesus had separated from Joseph and Mary and went into the synagogue to learn from the priests and speak with them. He was just a CHILD(you're not too young to start gaining wisdom...I believe I mentioned that in one of my previous blogs "YOUNG PEOPLE!!!"). In that verse, Jesus said "how is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" Basically he asked his parents "why did you look for me? Don't you know that I have to handle this Kingdom business, my Father's business?"

Toward the end of the sermon she was saying how our parents may ask us to do something but we KNOW good and well that we have to do something for the Kingdom, we have to put our parents on the back burner for a moment. Not saying be rude and disrespectful to your parents, but let them know that you have to handle some business, whether it be a meeting for the church, a Bible study, a rehearsal for church or something, THEN do what they asked of you.

Yesterday, I put a status on Facebook and I really meant every word of it. Here's what it read:

Listening to Nobody Greater - VaShawn Mitchell makes me wonder why we still place people and things over God. We need to do better people. Matthew 6:33 says "But seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God, and all his righteousness: and all these things shall be added unto you." Not, seek money/cars/jobs/etc. first and thank God later. Seek Him NOW!!! It's Time NOW... (It's Time Now - Tye Tribbett & GA)

But after writing that status, I went on youtube and listened to this anointed group of siblings who were singing a song their aunt wrote called "Don't Delay (The Invitation)." It fell right in to what I had said in my status. Watch the vid and you'll see what I mean. The songs mentioned above are at the bottom of the blog.

Songs about coming to Christ and handling our Kingdom business have been in my mind since Sunday. Songs like "Come to Jesus", "Kingdom Business", "It's Time Now", "I Surrender All", "Maybe God Is Trying To Tell You Something" and the song that really got me thinking, "Nobody Greater".

That song says "I searched all over/ Couldn't find nobody/ I looked high and low/ Still couldn't find nobody/ Nobody greater/ Nobody greater/ Nobody great than You" It really made me wonder, how in the world can we say there is nobody greater than God but we put a lot before Him. We look at the things we want and think we need, our "id" takes over and we want that instant gratification, we complain about what we don't have, YET we forget that we placed God on the back burner and that's probably what He did with our blessings.

Let's be real for a second, God is merciful and kind but we all take His kindness for weakness sometimes. We are ALL guilty of it at some point in our lives. God is a jealous God, so when we put things before Him, He gets angry. I know if I were Him, I would NOT be trying to bless someone who continues to use me, but He's not like that. We need to stop taking advantage of Him, we need to get our lives on the right track, we need to stop playing around. I always say tomorrow is not promised, the next 5 seconds are not promised, and earlier I was walking home and thought, dag, my next breath isn't even promised.

Like Tye and GA said "It's time now for you to turn back to God," the question now is............

Will you???

Later Loves

Sista T

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Watch What You Say

Everything started on May 30th when I decided that I would go and visit my former church. I didn't know that it was family and friends day, or that Minister Joe Dingle would be speaking, I thought the Pastor would be speaking. But, the Word he brought forth had me thinking about some things, so I came on the right day. He used the scripture Proverbs 18:21 and the title "Speak Those Things."

Proverbs 18:21 states:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

He began to talk about how what we say can make or break a situation, it can be the life or death of us. I won't go into the whole sermon because this is what I really want to focus on.

I was as work and this organization was having a luncheon. They were presenting the different classes they were offering through my school. One guy stood out to me because he said "I know a lot of you remember stories in the Bible from Sunday School. Well, I'm teaching a class on the conspiracies of the Bible." This man went on to say how God contradicted himself in the Bible. He used Genesis 1:31 and Genesis 6:6 as an example. He went on to say how in Genesis 1:31, God looked at His creation and thought it was good, but then he got to Genesis 6:6 and said that it grieved Him that He had made man on this earth." He never mentioned all of the mess going on between those two verses. He never mentioned the fall of man, the first murder, or anything. He just pointed out those two verses, so anyone NOT knowing the Bible would believe what he says.

Funny how things work out. I read a story about a "Shooting Panda" in today's entry for "Our Daily Bread". It was about a panda bear who came to a restaurant to eat. He ordered a sandwich and ate it. After eating, the panda pulled out a gun and started shooting. A waiter asked why he did that and he responded by "handing him a POORLY PUNCTUATED wildlife guide and asks him to look up the description of a panda." This is what the description said, and pay close attention.

"Panda. Large black-and-white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves."

Notice how things come together. In the last sentence of my sidebar, I said "He just pointed out those two verses, so anyone NOT knowing the Bible would believe what he says. Min. Dingle said in his sermon that Satan will try to use the Word against us so we must hide the Word in our hearts(I'm going to use Deuteronomy 11:18). If we don't know what the Word says and what's really true, we will easily be tripped up like the "Shooting Panda" who really thought it meant eat, shoot(with a gun) and be out.

This is where the reading from "Our Daily Bread" comes in. The reading is from 2 Timothy 2:1-15. The last verse (v.15) reads, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

We need to read to Word, seriously. If not anyone can come in and tell us different things that are so wrong and if we don't know, we can be so gullible sometimes. I just saw, last week, someone asked about the rapture and how people felt about it. A PASTOR!!! Yes, I said a Pastor, got on there and said there is no rapture. Then he went on to say that the Bible was his source. If I didn't know that 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 says that Christ will descend from Heaven, the dead in Christ shall rise first, and those that are alive and remain will be caught up to meet Him in the air, I could have been dumb enough to believe him.

There are people everywhere writing and saying things that sound nice, things that make you think. They will have you second guessing your relationship and whether it's valid or not. You have to STUDY and hide that Word in your heart. Otherwise you can easily be fed by that mess.

What am I saying???

Find you a GOOD Bible teaching church. Join the church, attend on Sundays, go to Bible Study and do you OWN PERSONAL Bible Studies. Do whatever you have to do, but PLEASE, I'm begging you all, PLEASE learn the Word. Hide it in your heart, and share it. There are so many false prophets, false teachers and other stuff out there(that's a lesson series in itself). Be careful of what you feed your soul. Be careful what you say and how you say it. You never know who is listening and you can cause someone their life if they don't know any better.

I keep saying I love the way God works. This is exactly why, He puts me in certain situations to see and hear certain things and they all come together to benefit me and others.

That's all I have for now...

Later loves!!!

Sista T

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Da'Lux Blaze

If you haven't noticed, I'm constantly sharing music on this blog. A couple of years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting a young Christian rapper by the name of Denzel Cadet aka Da'Lux Blaze. To give you a little background on him, I'll post the bio he provided on Reverbnation.

I was born in Philly to a single mother, a college student at the time, who had me despite the advice of many to have an abortion. Instead of listening to the naysayers, my mom prayed: "Dear God I'll have this baby, but if I have this baby, you're gonna have to take care of us." God answered my mom's prayer beyond what she could have imagined, providing for us in so many ways. Not only did my mom graduate college, but she now has the blessing of seeing that same kid who should have been aborted in college himself. That was only one of many things that God has done for me. He gave me a love and talent for words and music that were clear from a young age. I've been writing songs ever since I could talk, and I started rapping when I was thirteen. "Lux" is Latin for light (yessir break out the latin on 'em) so my name literally means "The Light." My goal is to shine in whatever context I find myself. I don't merely want my talents, my skills, my passion to come out - I want all of those things to come together to glorify God.

Just a little update, Denzel is now a graduate of Princeton University. Yes, I said Princeton lol. I was told that the video for "Foreign Language" will be released within the next few weeks. He's also working on his new album called "Turn The Lights On" so look out for that.

I put a widget on the side bar, over there, with some of his music ---------->

If you want this widget, go to his page on Reverbnation.

Join his group on Facebook :-)

Follow him on Twitter

His official website is on Myspace.

This is all I have for updates will come as I get them

Later Loves!!!

Sista T

Friday, June 4, 2010

Challenge: Job


I was sitting here thinking a lot about some things that were really bothering me. I prayed last night about it and again when I woke up this morning. I asked God to speak to me through the Word and He did. He took me to Job chapter 1.

In that chapter, it showed that Job was, as the Word describes, "perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." (v.1) Job had 7 sons and 3 daughters, and he was real wealthy. My study Bible says about v. 5 that "Job was a spiritual man as clearly revealed by his sensitivity to sin and its consequent need for sacrifice."

Now Satan had his eye on Job. He asked God, "Doth Job fear God for nought(nothing)?" He was questioning why Job feared God. I can only imagine what Satan was thinking, maybe something like "Job only fears that God will take away all of his possessions."

So what did Satan do? He got permission from God to tempt Job. (Now remember what I said in a previous blog Inspired By Temptation By GI, God will not tempt you, he will allow you to be tempted. It is a test of your faith.) Job was approached by four different messengers, one after another, with a different problem. The first messenger came to tell him that the Sabeans came and killed all the oxen and donkeys and servants tending them, only he survived. A second messenger came, while they were speaking, to say that "The fire of God" destroyed the sheep and some more servants, only he survived. A third servant came, again while they were speaking, to say that the Chaldeans came and killed the camel and more servants, he was the only to survive. Yet again, while they were speaking, the fourth and last messenger came and said that a "great wind from the wilderness" came and knocked down the four walls of his eldest son's house. All of his children were there feasting and all were dead except that one servant.

To us it seems as though Job's life is falling apart and we would probably say "God why me?" He lost ALL of his livestock, ALL of his servants except the four messengers, and ALL of his children. Job didn't do what we would, he didn't question God. Nah.........not Job, not the perfect and upright man who feared God and shunned evil. Nah...........

What did he do then???

I'll tell you.............

He tore his robe, shaved his head, got down on his face and worshipped God. The Bible says that he "BLESSED the name of the Lord." These were the words of Job, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."

Now honestly, how many of us would do that? Not I..........

I'm not even going to lie, I lose money and I'm like dag man I don't have ANY money...I'm tired of this, I need another job. I still have a roof over my head, I still have clothes on my back. I'm being ungrateful. Not Job, this guy TORE his clothes, shaved his head and bowed down to worship God. Meanwhile, Satan's in the background looking STUPID!!! He really thought Job was going to curse God for taking basically all he had. NOT!!! This is one of those times where I just laugh at Satan, like you goof, you really thought he was materialistic and fearing God so he wouldn't lose his possessions??? HA!!!

I said all of this to challenge everyone. No, I'm lying.

But on a serious note, after thinking about all of this, I really want to challenge you all to, instead of questioning God when you're at your lowest moments, bless Him, thank Him, tell Him that it was in His will that whatever happened, happened because He knew what was best for your life. Let Him know that you STILL trust Him, even though you have nothing left, you STILL trust God with all of your heart. This is a challenge for me also so PLEASE don't feel like you're alone on this.

I know this was type lengthy but it was laid on my heart literally as I was writing it. I'm about to go back and re-read what God wants us all to know.

Later Loves!!!

Sista T

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Calling All Children of God

Last night I was going out for my "last night out" in Philly. I was going to a club in Philly just to chill out and hear DJ Wallah spin for the last time. That didn't happen and we ended up riding around Philly looking for something to do. I honestly think that night was supposed to happen like that because I said and heard some things that really bothered me.

I hear older adults speak a lot about young people and self respect and I had the privelage to get in on some of the conversations and learn a lot. Here is what I learned:

Young Men:

You say you are looking for the "wifey type" yet you chase after the girls who think they have to bend over in the clubs and/or show off all of their flesh.

Young Ladies:

You want a man to treat you with respect, but you don't have enough respect for yourself for ANYONE to begin to respect you.

I don't understand what goes through the minds of these young people at all. I heard someone say "these girls are going to be mad when they have a guy that they are having sexual relations with and he leaves them for the young lady who refuses to give herself up. Men like that challenge and if you don't give yourself up, they will develop a respect for you."

I promise that is what I wanted to say for so long because I see it all the time. I'm just a young girl though, so I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm only 22, I'm not experienced in life enough to come to that conclusion.

From a young woman to my peers and younger people:

It's time for us to stand out of the crowd and show these kids what is right. We need to stop trying to be like everyone else. We were made to be different, we were made in God's image (Genesis 1:26). We are in this world but we're not OF this world, meaning we live here yeah, but that doesn't mean we have to act like it. Like Tye Tribbett's last cd stated "It's time to STAND OUT!!!" He asked a question and I really sat there and thought, there should be no reason he should be asking "people of God where is the standard at?"

I was looking for a scripture and came across John 15:19 where Jesus was speaking and said "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." Now to me that's basically saying that If you were of this world, it would love you, but you were chosen by God, so the world hates you. So my question now is, why would you try to embrace the world if it hates you??? Idk maybe I'm alone on that one.

At any rate, we need to stand out, seriously. You don't know when the last person will get that chance to accept or reject Christ. My suggestion is to get right now and leave this world alone.

Love you much!!!

Sista T

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Are You A Rebel?

I was listening to a song (I say that a lot), and I heard a guy say something along the lines of serving God is like being a rebel because no one does it anymore. I don't know about anyone else, but that really bothered me.

The song I was listening to was Rebel Intro from Lecrae's Album, Rebel. The guy in the background said "I know in our day, rebel means sinner. But everyone is sinning, so it's no longer rebellious to sin." Then toward the end he said "If you really want to be a rebel, read your Bible because no one's doing that. That's rebellion, that's the only rebellion left."

I just love how listening to music leads me to think about certain things that really need to be addressed. This issue is HUGE!!! Sinning has become a normal thing in this world. Just look around, there are girls in MIDDLE SCHOOL pregnant. Girls in high school pregnant with A SECOND CHILD!!! KIDS smoking weed, and more, this is just sad.

I never thought sinning would get this bad. But I'm seeing this world get worse and worse right before my eyes.

So my question to you is...Are you a rebel???

Love you much!!!

Sista T

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Wants It All

I was listening to a song that really caught my attention because it's very short, sweet, and to the point. The song is "He Wants It All" by Forever Jones. If you never heard it before, listen now:

This song says so much and brings back so many memories of things I said and things I heard dealing with commitment. I always hear people ask the question: Jesus died for us why not live for Him?

Well...............Why not???

Is it because we're selfish??? I think so, but that's my personal opinion.

A lot of people out there will yell, " I love Jesus" or "I love God" but when it comes to giving up worldly things and dying to their flesh, they suddenly become quiet.


Here is my challenge:
Fast for a week, from something that you THINK you can't live without, something that will distract you from speaking to God or reading the Bible. Give your ALL to Christ for a week.

Now if you already do that then of course I'm not talking to you, but let's be honest with ourselves, most of us can't go a day without our cell phones, or laptops, or some form of technology and that draws us away from God and we stop giving Him our ALL. *raises hand in guilt*

Yeah, I said it, I'm taking this challenge also. I'm hiding my laptop for a whole week. I wake up on it, fall asleep on it, and as a result, I "forget" to read my Bible and "forget" to pray.

He wants it ALL...

So let's give it to Him...

Love you much!!!

Sista T

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Trust You

This post was started in late march and I finally got a chance to finish it. It's two blogs combined. I hope it will bless someone in some way. Here it is:

I know I have been ghost for a while, I'm sorry guys. God was working on me in some major parts of my life, and He still is, so please bear with me on these posts. I'll post as often as I can.

I started 2 different posts earlier this month, one in the beginning and one in the middle. I JUST realized how I titled both of them "I Trust You" and I'm also starting to see a pattern this year.

The first one was talking about the song I Trust You by James Fortune & FIYA but it wasn't the actual song. That blog was going to be focused on the testimony that James had given on their new cd Encore. That testimony was SO powerful and touched my heart in so many ways. I was able to relate to majority of the things he said in that testimony and I promise you that testimony was on repeat for a while.

In the testimony he began to talk about it doesn't matter how much you go to church, how many scriptures you know, etc. but there is a time where everyone finds it difficult to trust God. He began to share how his family was homeless and sleeping in a motel, and how his wife would fill the tub with pillows and blankets just so their son would have a place to sleep because the room was so small. Then he went on to say how he went and ministered to many people and so many people would ask him to pray for them not knowing that he needed prayer himself. One day he began to question and ask God "are you still with me?" He said that God shared with him that he had to be able to trust Him even when he didn't know why he was going through what he was going through, even when it seemed that God had forgotten about him, and it seems that God isn't with him, he has to be able to trust Him. He said that God told him he needed to be able to trust Him at THAT time, when he was going through because God was about to do something in his life that even if He TOLD him, he wouldn't believe it. It was then that James said "Lord I will trust you" and he began to get the words to this song "I Trust You" and it ministered to billions of people and God knew that someone was going to go through the same thing and He would need a song to encourage people. It was at that moment that he knew why God had allowed him to go through what he went through, He needed to get that song out of James.

That testimony blessed me even more than the song did and I pray that you all would go out and find a way to hear that.

That's not all to this blog though, for the past few months, God has been placing me in certain places to hear the same message over and over. I find that a lot of people are talking about praising God while at your lowest point.

Side Note:
I was struggling for a long time, and I'm still struggling with being single. I desired companionship so much and the fact that I'm not ready bothered me a lot. I honestly broke down a lot because I felt so lonely and I felt like there was no one I could talk to about anything. I felt like James for a moment, I love my close friends and family and when they need me, I'f I'm awake, I'm there. I don't care how late it is, I'm there. I was getting a lot of prayer requests and the whole time I was pushing my problems to the back burner as though they never existed. I had this one point where I was bored and I had done everything I needed to do, so I put on some music and let my mind run free. At that point, all of my problems came rushing back all at once and I needed someone to pray for me but I didn't want to tell anyone that because I wanted to be strong for them. Then that lonely feeling came back and I broke down again, while listening to that music, I heard a song in the background. It was Complete by Lashun Pace and I posted the song on facebook with the caption "Complete by Lashun Pace on repeat...enough said" and I felt that was all I needed to say because she said it all in the song. There was nothing left for me to say at all.

She took a pause in the song and said this: "I remember there was a time in my life, when I though I needed somebody to make me complete. I though I needed that special somebody to make me feel good. But I forgot about the scripture that said I am jealous God and beside me there is no other. So all you have to do is give your life to Jesus and let Him make you complete."

That song had me a little mad because I was talking about being so lonely and not having that companionship and that person I could talk to without worrying about showing weakness and all I had to do was hear that song to realize, that companion was ALWAYS there. I just had to go to Him. Just some encouragement.

Back to the blog:
These past weeks have been interesting because after hearing the testimony from James Fortune, I began to notice a common theme, well a few. Patience, Beauty, and Trust are the 3 themes I keep hearing about. Well beauty keeps coming in mind when dealing with young females, but patience and trust have been coming up a lot lately and it's a good thing because I have been "preaching" patience and trust since January. Not literal preaching but when talking to people I find myself using the words trust and patience a lot.

I'm not going to ramble on about the latest updates on patience and trust so I'll stop here. I hope you all are blessed by what is laid on my heart. Love you all!!!

God Bless

Sista T

Friday, April 23, 2010

Inspired by Temptation by GI

It took me a while to write this. I didn't know exactly where to start, where to end, what to cover, or anything because temptation is such a big issue. Whether you know it or not, EVERYONE goes through some type of temptation. Jesus was even tempted by satan himself (Matthew 4).

In this song Temptation by GI (God's Image), you will see three different temptations that many people face on a daily basis. Although rappers talk about sex, drugs and alcohol all the time, GI talked about those same issues and turned it into a positive message. I know, I know, you're probably thinking...well how could you be positive about sex, drugs, and alcohol? Well just look at it yourself:

I'm pretty sure a number of people heard the first part of the first verse and automatically went into judge mode. You know what that is, when you start to criticize a song before you actually get to hear what the song is all about. Anyway, this song, as you heard, is about RESISTING temptation.

In this first verse, you can see that the first temptation was sex. I know many people are tempted with sex on a daily basis and it's sometimes hard to resist. But if you resist enough, it will be come second nature to resist that temptation. The Bible says "resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). Eventually satan will see that you're strong enough to resist and will stop. I'm not saying he will stop for good, he'll just find another way to try and trip you up.

This is why prayer is so important. If you don't stay prayed up, you will easily fall.

The second verse was about drug dealing. I know a lot of people do it to keep food on the table or pay the bills and with that situation I would say the motives are right but the actions aren't. There are many ways to make money but there are people out there who target young people and tell them that it's an easy way to make quick money. They know what to say and some young people get caught up and some are able to resist the temptation.

The third verse is more personal to me than any other verse because I have seen, first hand, people try to drink their problems away. I want to let everyone know that drinking will not solve anything, it can only make matters worse. If you lose someone, drinking won't bring them back. If you lose you job, drinking won't get it back.

I can't seem to stress enough how important prayer is in our lives. (I may do another blog just on prayer, it's THAT important)

I took me a whole 3 months and some change, but I found the missing link to this blog. I was lost and felt I was missing something here. I know what it is. There is a passage in the Bible about temptation. It's found in the book of James Chapter 1 Verses 2-6 and 12-15. This is what it says:
My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ya may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. -KJV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who live him. When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death. -NIV

That scripture passage is so crucial right now. I hear a lot of new Christians asking God why is He tempting them, and questioning what is going on, why they are going through. There is your answer, a lot of it is a test of your faith. If God didn't allow you to be tempted by satan then you wouldn't grow to trust Him completely. I don't know if you caught it or not, but there is a reward for enduring through your temptations.

Last thing, I noticed that temptation has two sides to it, good and bad. It's good because it allows you to grow stronger in God, but it's bad because it can cause the eternal death of you. What do you choose??? To resist or to give in???

Love you all!!!

Sista T

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hey Loves!!! I know it's been forever since I wrote one here. I apologize greatly for that. Here's an update on some things that's been going on in my life.
  • I am still going strong in school (3 classes this summer and I'll have my AA in Sociology!!!)
  • My leaders saw something in me and decided that I would be a great person to be a youth leader!!! Isn't God good??? (It's a lot more work than I thought)
  • I have some great things going for my future that I really can't talk about too much. (Stay tuned for updates on that)
  • I'm working on some big things for the youth in southern NJ hoping to expand to other places.
Those are just some updates on my life. I started about 4 different blogs but ended up getting distracted and didn't finish them. I'll continue to work on those and post them as I finish. That's all for my little update. Until next time...

Sista T

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wonder Women: Rahab

Rahab is the first Wonder Woman mentioned in this book I'm reading that was previously mentioned in my blog Wonder Women In The Bible. The reading about her came from Joshua 2:1-21; 6:16-25; Hebrews 11:30-31; and James 2:25.

From what I read, I can see that Rahab wasn't the "holiest" person in the world. She was a harlot (or what we now call a prostitute), which tells me that God can use anyone for the glory of His name. Rahab was used to hide spies that Joshua sent into Jericho. In return for her courageous act of lying to the guards and hiding the spies, also for her act of faith, her as well as her family and all they had were spared.

So much was in jeopardy but Rahab acted on faith and now we are where we are today. For a very long time I thought God couldn't use me because I did so many things we consider to be "bad" in my life. But the story of Rahab proved to me that God can use anyone no matter how messed up they are.

I encourage you all to think about where you are now and where God brought you from. When you feel as though you aren't good enough for God, remember that he can use anyone and anything to do what He wants. Luke 19:37-40 talks about when the disciples were rejoicing and praising God with loud voices. Some of the Pharisees told Jesus to rebuke them and He responded "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out."(KJV) That's just one example of God using objects to do what He wants. I don't know about you but, I would rather have Him use me than to use some rocks lol.

Be Blessed!!!
Love you all!!!
Sista T

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wonder Women of the Bible

I'm starting a book by Brenda Poinsett called Wonder Women of the Bible: Heroes of Yesterday Who Inspire Us Today. I don't really know what to expect from the book so you'll be finding out as I go along. I pray you all are blessed by this though.

There are 5 different parts to this book.

The first part (chapters 1-3) is called: Isn't She Strong? It highlights Rahab, Deborah, and Esther.

Part 2 (chapters 4 and 5) is called: Isn't She Wonderful? It highlights Ruth and Dorcas.

Part 3 (chapters 6-9) is called: Isn't She a Wonder? It highlights Anna, Martha, Priscilla, and Phoebe.

Part 4 (chapters 10-14) is called: She Did What? It highlights Jael, Abigail, The Wise Woman of Abel, and The Galilean Women.

Part 5 (chapters 15 and 16) is called: She Felt How? It highlights Hagar and Elizabeth.

I'm going through chapter by chapter, each chapter will highlight a new woman or new women so each blog will be a new chapter.

Love ya much
Sista T

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

YOUNG PEOPLE!!! (add in)

I wrote a blog last week called YOUNG PEOPLE!!! The purpose of that blog was to encourage young people to stand out of the crowd and be the person God created them to be. BUT, I left out a couple of things.

There was a point where I said "If you don't remember anything else, remember this: There is ALWAYS someone watching you!!!"

I went on to say that some people are waiting for you to mess up or fail. I failed to mention that you could be impacting someone's life and not know it. If you look around at the people younger than you, the people your age and even the ones older than you, you will probably notice that someone is imitating you in SOME way. It's up to you to decide, do you want them to imitate you doing something good or something that will ruin their life. Choose wisely :-)

Another thing I wanted to add in.

I said "You may not be called to speak or anything, you may just be called to be an usher, or a member of a choir, or a musician, or even an example."

I forgot to add in that Jesus was sent here for many different things. He played many roles in his short life here on earth. To name a few, He was a carpenter, a CHILD, a teacher, a Saviour, a sacrifice, and my favorite, AN EXAMPLE!!!

Last thing...

You DO NOT (and I repeat.........) DO NOT need a title to do the work of Christ. You do however, need the ANOINTING, but that's a completely different blog lol. Please keep that in mind. That is all I have for now.

Be Blessed
Love you all!!!
Sista T

Monday, February 15, 2010


I wrote blogs about it, I posted videos for you all to check out, I provided links for every artist involved with this project. Now the time has come to present to you all the Love & Suicide Mixtape (click here)

Now a lot of people ask, "what kind of name is Love & Suicide?" Well here's your answer:

1 John 4:8 - Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love

Philippians 1:21 - For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain

In order for God to effectively use you, you must LOVE others and die to your flesh daily(SUICIDE).

Get it???

Well check out the mixtape, let us know what you think!!!

Love you much!
Sista T

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


While in prayer, I was shown some things. I was praying for some people close to me and the more I prayed, the less it sounded like me. But I was praying for some young people and I said let them know that just because they're young doesn't mean they can't live for you. I was reminded of the passage in Jeremiah 1 that God has been leading me to for the past couple of weeks. I always asked what it meant, and now I think I'm getting it.

In that passage, God was telling Jeremiah how he was known and ordained by God before he was even born. Jeremiah said to God, "Ah, Lord God! behold I cannot speak: for I am a child." God responded by saying, "Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee." After that, the Lord touched the mouth of Jeremiah and said, "Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth."

There are a lot of young people being called to step up and stand out of the crowd. There's a problem though, many of them say the same thing I used to say, I'm too young, I still want to have fun. Well here's some news for you, God will use you when He wants to. Trust me, I learned the hard way. God had to completely break me down and shatter all of MY dreams before I said ok, God I hear you. What do I need to do? What I wanted wasn't part of his plan and He made sure I knew that.

But I really want to say that it doesn't matter how old you are, if you know God has called you to do something, don't try to do what you want to do, it will only hurt you. Just say yes to His will and walk in your calling. If you don't know what your calling is yet, STAY IN PRAYER! FAST! Trust me, He will let you know. You may even be walking in your calling and not know it.

If you don't remember anything else, remember this: There is ALWAYS someone watching you!!!

It may be your peers, it may be someone much younger than you, it may even be your elders. Someone is always waiting for you to fall, or mess up. Don't give people a reason to talk about you in a negative way. Give them a reason to say, I want to be like that, I want to live for Christ. When ever you get a chance, encourage someone. Don't try to put someone down, build them up. Invite your friends to church on Sunday and for weekly events. SMILE!!! Simple things like that will build the Kingdom, it will make people WANT to come back to church with you and live for Christ.

Another thing, don't just say you're a Christian, BE a Christian. Actions speak louder than words. Jeremiah was called to be a prophet, to speak to nations. You may not be called to speak or anything, you may just be called to be an usher, or a member of a choir, or a musician, or even an example. No matter how small you think their roles are, they ALL play a HUGE part in the church.

Now I'm not going to lie and say all of that WILL happen all of the time. I'm not going to tell you that it's as easy as 1-2-3. But I will tell you that if you do that, pray, fast, and exercise true faith, God will have His way and He will handle the rest.

Love you all!!!
God Bless
Sista T

Thursday, February 4, 2010

They Proved What???

So this semester I'm taking a Philosophy course. The class is pretty cool, makes me think and I get to make people think twice about their beliefs in every aspect. But there is one thing a young lady said that really bothered me. She said "There is a God because science proves it," then she went on to say that she was a Christian. It makes me wonder, can you really believe that if you're a Christian???

I know nothing about how science proves there is a God so I looked some stuff up and this is what I came up with. This physicist, Frank Tipler said "What you can show using physics forces this universe to continue to exist. As long as you're using general relativity and quantum mechanics, you are forced to conclude that God exists." In that same article Palmer Chinchen said, "Everything that is true is true because God made it that way. Everything that is beautiful is beautiful because God made it that way. Math works because God made it that way." I still don't see how that PROVES that God exists. They proclaim it, yes, but I see no proof. The writer, however, does say that Tipler explains the proof in his book, "The Physics of Christianity." I want to check that out to see what physics has to do with the existance of God.

I posed this question on twitter and facebook only to find that no one could really back up the fact that "science proves God's existance." I made an argument saying that if science did prove that God exists, where does faith come in? We are supposed to have faith that God, whom we never saw, exists. If science proves it, then that makes Hebrews 11:1 void. I also said that the word "faith" appears in the bible hundreds of times, so why would we preach faith if it's already proven?

Now in order to prove something, you need evidence: that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof.

We can prove that there is a higher being, but we cannot prove that the higher being is God because we have on physical evidence. Someone brought up a great point mentioning the wind and the ozone layer and how we can't see the but they exist. The wind you can feel and the ozone layer is made up of molecules, scientists supposedly "saw" molecules, therefore there is physical evidence of both.

There is proof that Jesus Christ existed and walked this earth but according to Exodus 33:20, no man can see God and live so as a living human being, we have no real hard evidence that God exists. We have miracles and things of that nature to believe that God exists.

There is that word believe again. Faith plays a huge part in our belief and if we can prove that God really exists, why would we need faith to believe Him? We BELIEVE that God performs miracles, we BELIEVE that He created everything. We can't see God come down and perform a miracle, we can't see Him come down and create something. He uses His people as vessels to do what he needs to do.

Now maybe I'm missing something. If I am, please let me know, just be advised that I will go back and check and I will debate everything if you could fully convince me that there is hard core proof. Be mindful, though, that some people claimed that all of the miracles and things could have been magic or something.

*click links to view my sources

Later Loves
Sista T

Monday, January 18, 2010

What Am I Here For?

So I'm told that I'm very talented. I can sing, dance, write a little bit and speak to some people. I'm not great at any of it but I can do it. Sometimes I see/hear people do things and all I can think is I wish I could do something like that and they tell me I can.

My singing is ok, I can use A LOT of training vocally. What I can do is good for someone who has no type of vocal training. I can dance but I have this tendency to be extra stiff and LOOK choreographed. I can write but my thoughts are almost always all over the place. So it makes me wonder what am I here for? I tried speaking to people, some don't understand where I'm coming from, some want to dispute everything I say and some even ignore my every word.

Hmm...I'm not a great speaker, not a great singer, not a great dancer, not a great writer...What am I???

Well according to some people, I'm a great example. I can't do much but live right and be me and show other people who I am through my actions. Sometimes I just wish that there was more I could offer. I want to be able to get my thoughts out in this elaborate manner as poets do, sing effectively like some people I know, dance effectively, and speak to the point where people will remember something I said and be able to help someone with that.

I was always told I was different, and I didn't want to be, but at the same time I like being unique. I just wish sometimes that I possessed certain qualities that other people I know possessed. Since I don't have those qualities, I will use what I do possess. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful for all of the qualities I have, I just don't know how to really use them.

I'm going to use them though and be about my Father's business as Jesus said in Luke 2:49. I have a mission that I have to complete and I'm working toward that completion everyday. It would be nice if I knew what MY purpose was though, maybe I could walk in it like I really want to. Until then I'll continue to live my life for God and be that example some people see me as. Then when my purpose is clear to me, I'll walk in that.

Now I'm thinking...What if my purpose IS being an example???

Something else to think about.

Later Loves
Sista T

Are you "the one"?

A lot of people in my age range are talking and/or thinking about marriage. Some question if they'll ever get married, if marriage is for them, if they will ever get divorced, and so forth. I'm one of the ones who question, will I ever be married?

Yea I know I'm still young, I'm turning 22 real soon and as some people say the clock is ticking. I always said when I was in high school that I wanted to be married at age 22 and have my first child before I turned 25. The chances of that marriage happening is VERY slim for the simple fact that I'm still single and not really looking for anything right now.

I always sit around like I really want to know who I will marry in the future. I know what I want and I can't seem to find it. Just when I was about to lower my standards, a friend of mine was talking about how he hated when females lowered their standards because they deserved the best. For a second I really went and tried to defend females lowering their standards but then I thought, why would I settle for something less than what God wants me to have? God sent his Son Jesus Christ to die for me so that I could live eternally. Jesus was brutally beaten and nailed to a cross for me, if that isn't love, I have no clue what it is. I want a man who will love me like Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25).

My sis Nicole wrote a poem called prototype and in this poem, she wrote what the ideal man was for her. She also was about to lower her standards, but then we met some incredible guys and she wrote a second part to Prototype and in this poem she said:
"The later type is who I envision as my husband...and if you stood right in front of'd be his reflection...Cause when I looked in your eyes I said there's the prototype...I thought I raised the bar too high, needed to lower my expectations...Then I met you"
That reminded me so much of my thoughts toward my best male friend. He gave me hope that there were still good men out there. I'm still wondering who I'll marry, but now I refuse to lower my standards. Thanks to God, I have these great men in my life to help me out. Love you guys!!!

That's all for now...

God Bless
Sista T

Monday, January 4, 2010

Something's Missing

I know I'm talking about relationships a lot, but I see a LOT of young people getting married now and they are settling for less than what they deserve. I posted this song Every Girl (Remix) a few blogs ago and this is what really had me thinking about people and their situations.

Back in April of 2009, GI(God's Image) released their self-titled debut album. On this CD was a song "Something's Missing". In the beginning Marlon 'Artist' Anderson stated that "The relationships that last a lifetime are the relationships that are ordained by God." I find this statement to be so true and while listening to the song, 2 Corinthians 6:14 came to mind. It reads:

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

We need to be in constant communication with God in relationships, well all the time, but especially in relationships. Sometimes people are placed in our lives to teach us certain things, and if you go through the same thing in every relationship. PLEASE don't blame it on the opposite sex. The problem is you lol, seriously. That only means that you haven't learned what you needed to learn and you're going to go through it until you learn and grow from it.

Sometimes we get into relationships and we get this gut feeling like something isn't right. I would advise everyone to pray and find out what it is because sometimes it's God telling you that you don't belong there. I know most people heard the saying "everything that glitters isn't gold," well if only you knew just how true it was. Listen to the song and you will get an example of what I mean.