Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Rant

This is something I wrote in April 2010 and never posted anywhere. It's making me think about some things so I feel a need to post it. I couldn't figure out what to call it so when I saved it, I called it a "Love Rant"... Welp, here it goes...


What is love?

Can I fully experience it?

Why do I desire it?

Can someone tell me?

I feel like I’m on a never-ending search

For something that I should be able to find in a church

But truth be told, sometimes it’s so full of hate

And you have those who will try to debate

That the church is so loving and caring

So explain to me why some “church folk” are hating and airing

The business that isn’t their own,

Say not to gossip, and are the first one on the phone

When someone gets caught out there

Instead of praying, they laugh and stare?

I don’t get it………


What is it?

I’ll tell you what it is

Love is when you give your life for someone you care for

Love is when you forgive

Love is when you can look past someone’s faults and see their heart

Love is when you give to those who don’t have

Love is……something a lot of people don’t understand

We tend to look for love in people, places, objects, etc. How many people actually go to God and say “Lord show me how to love. You showed me You loved me by sending Jesus Christ to die for me. Jesus Christ showed He loved me by dying a brutal death and in the midst of that asked that You would forgive me. I know I can’t show You or anyone else I love them in that manner, so show me what I need to do and I will.” ??? That’s my prayer and I encourage you to make it your own.