Sunday, January 29, 2012

New Found Freedom

"Some of us have been in captivity so long, we don't remember what it feels like to be free." - Minister Keiron Phillips

Something changed in me since the new year set in. I am no longer bound by the things of my past, both old and new. God taught me how to let things go and depend on Him. My prayer recently was that god would remove every pain, past hurt, thought, feeling, and anything else that would hinder me from receiving His love. I asked that He would pour so much love into me so that I had no choice but to give it away and make room for more.

Last week (1/22/12), Pastor Joel Wise of Ft. Lauderdale, FL came to my church and preached a sermon called, "In the Time of Trouble, Who Will Bail Me Out?" Now prior to hearing that powerful message, I had already made up in my mind that I don't care what I'm going through or how I feel, God deserves every bit of praise I can muster up. Pastor Wise's text came from Psalm 27:5-6. In the sermon, he pointed out three things about David that always got him out of trouble.
  1. David's confidence: In verse 5 of Psalm 27, David showed his confidence. While everyone around him panicked, David remained calm and said, "For in the midst of trouble He SHALL hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he SHALL set me up upon a rock." Notice David didn't say that God MIGHT do those things but he was confident enough to say that God SHALL do those things.
  2. David took corrective action: He corrected the inadequacies in his life. He said to God in Psalm 51:10-11, "Create in me a clean heart, O God: and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me." David didn't want to stay in that state of sin and as Pastor Wise said, "He was an instrument of forgiveness and compassion."
  3. David never stopped praising: Psalm 27:6 is the perfect example of how David praised God even in times of trouble. David said, "And now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy, I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord."
After that point, Pastor Wise asked us to stand up and fine a partner. The exact wording escapes me at the moment but he had us act as though we were removing an old robe and placing a new one on our partners. I went first and I removed one robe and placed on another, then I turned around. When I felt her pull that old robe off, I felt her remove all of the chains, the pain, the guilt, the shame, the baggage I held onto for so long and when she placed that new robe on me, even though there was no tangible robes involved, I felt God's hands and love surround me.It was so overwhelming that I almost fell over. I will never forget that feeling.

Today, Minister Keiron Phillips came in and I could do nothing but praise God for where I came from. The message came from Psalm 126 in its entirety and the title was, "Is This Really Happening?" He began by talking about captives and the captive mentality. Then he spoke the words, "Some of us have been in captivity so long, we don't remember what it feels like to be free." I proudly lifted my hand as if I were saying, "That is so true, it used to be me until God came in and set me free." Soon after that, Min. Phillips said, "Your state of captivity can cause you to think that the place you came from is better than where you are going." Again, I lifted my hand, but this time, I was saying to myself, "I am a living testimony and the devil IS a liar!" It brought me back to when I thought that being in the world was better because I had less problems. WRONG!!!

That reminded me of a statement made by Bishop Rudolph McKissick Jr. in a sermon. He was saying and I'm paraphrasing. "I don't like to be around people who don't go through anything because it means they're not going anywhere." Whoo boy!!! That got me right there because it reminded me of Psalm 126:5 where it says "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." I can thank God because I am now prepared for some of my blessings because I went through certain things.

Back to the blog:
At one point in Min. Phillips sermon, I had a flashback and almost said to my neighbor, "That's along the lines of what Pastor Wise said last week!" I got excited because he said that we need to put on the garment of praise. He began to prophesy and said that God will be turning things around in 2012. When God starts turning things around we will have a new perspective on things. Then he gave an illustration, he said "When I turn to my right I see Bishop Enlow and Pastor Dariaus. When I turn to the front I see you. When I turn to my left I see the musicians. But when I turn to the back I see something different." I said thank God I'm already in my turning process because what I see now, I didn't see some months ago. I was always thinking in the natural and thinking realistically. Now, I have faith beyond faith where even if people around me said "Teresa, you need to be realistic," I can counter that by saying, "Is there anything too hard for my God??? Absolutely NOT!!! I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me and no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper." (Genesis 18:14, Philppians 4:13, Isaiah 54:17)

I encourage everyone who reads this to stop thinking realistically. Just because some things didn't work out in the past, let it go. God has a brighter future for you only if you believe and keep His commandments. You have to have some serious faith these days because the economy and society says that a lot of things people want to do is impossible. Be free in your heart, in your mind, and ask yourself, is there anything too hard for God? Stop living in captivity and bondage, just be free. I put a couple of songs at the bottom that came to mind while I was writing this. Maybe soon you can join me in this new found freedom. Like the song says, "No more shackles, no more chains, no more bondage, I am FREEEEEE yea!"

For those of you who think you can't get through a storm, praise your way through. Thank God for the storm because you have to go through something to get what you want. God will not give you the huge blessing you dreamed about without preparing you first.

You all be blessed, love you much!!!

Sista T

You Deserve All Praise - Madelyn Berry

Freedom - Eddie James

The Storm Is Over Now - Kirk Franklin