Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cleanse My Heart

On the night of October 18, 2011, Gospel singer, Jessica Reedy issued a challenge to all of her followers on Twitter. At first she said, I have a challenge, who's in? Immediately, she had people tweeting her back proclaiming that they were "in", not really knowing what they were getting into, myself included. She said, "Starting TOMORROW (10/19/2011), for a WHOLE WEEK, we will be fasting from ALL NEGATIVE COMMENTS, THOUGHTS, ACTIONS, FEELINGS, ALL NEGATIVITY!!!!!!" Reedy then followed that by asking "So who's still in?" She had a lot of people saying that it would be hard but they were going to do it. Then she began to give some pointers on how to get through this fast successfully.

I looked at my life and I evaluated where my negativity comes from and realized that it's in my own home, with my family. We don't always see eye to eye and they don't understand the choices I make in life. My siblings and I live completely different lifestyles even though we were raised by the same people, in the same house, going to the same churches, hearing the same things, I just turned out different. None of us learned how to deal with each others' differences so sometimes when we speak our mouths become weapons of warfare. The Bible does say that death and life are in the power of the tongue(Proverbs 18:21). So,I figured that I would pray as soon as I wake up, in the middle of the night, and when I wake up to start my day. I also pray before I walk back into the house. I started to look for scriptures to encourage me in this fast and while reading The Power of a Praying Woman by Stormie Omartian, I found a scripture that made me want to speak positive things. The scripture was Proverbs 16:24, "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." That encouraged me to speak only things that are positive.

After reading that scripture, I started to pray that God would cleanse my mind of all negative things and fill it with those pleasant words, those uplifting, encouraging words. Then, later on that night, I was asked how I was fasting and I mentioned the scripture I had come across and the young lady told me that she didn't know where to find the scriptures, so I mentioned the book and she asked me to share.

I began searching for scriptures on positivity and I noticed that all of the ones I found were dealing with the mouth, my weapon of warfare. Eventually, I came across Matthew 15:11, "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, that defileth a man." I understood what the verse was saying but I needed to know much more than that and began to read around the verse. I started at the beginning of the chapter and by the time I got to verse 20, I was so convicted and began to pray. Verses 18-20 reads "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man." That thing right there messed me all up. Here I am, praying that God would cleanse my mind of all the negative thoughts that I speak before I think and this stuff is coming from my heart. It made me realize that my heart is ALL jacked up and that bothers me.

For years, I have been trying to find out how to get closer to God and my heart is what's stopping me. My prayer last night was that God would uproot all that negative stuff from my heart, drown it with His love so that it will overflow. The Word says in Ephesians 3:20 "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." If I can imagine my heart overflowing with love, what will God do about that? The thought of that made me happy.

Today is Day 2 of the #NoNegativityFast and my focus today is the cleansing of my heart. So I'll be singing songs such as Renew Me by Martha Munizzi, Create in Me A Clean Heart by Donnie McClurkin, and songs like that. I'll be searching for more scriptures and meditating on the ones that I have come across thus far. I encourage everyone who is doing this fast to think about their lives and where the negativity is coming from. Have a blessed day!!!

Until Next Time...
Sista T

Monday, May 2, 2011

Cry Out

"Osama Bin Laden has been captured and killed..."

That is the highlight of the day, everyone loves our President again, everyone is celebrating. Now, most of my followers on Twitter are Christians, as well as most of my Facebook friends. Why is it that out of at least 600 different people, I have only seen a few people speak about the "other issues" that were put on the back burner because of this one man's death.

Bin Laden is dead, whoop-de-freakin-do. Kids are still dying out on the streets because they don't have anything to do after school or or enough people who cares about their education, so they turn to the streets. Everyone isn't celebrating their deaths, and they sure aren't doing anything to change it. So what are we doing???

I'll tell you what we're doing. We are sitting at home behind a computer, at work behind a computer, walking around with a phone, sitting around with and ipod/ipad, posting statuses everywhere about how this one man is dead and how everyone is so happy that he is dead.

"Justice is now served", some have said. Is it really though??? If that man did not accept Christ as his Savior, there you have another lost soul. Way to go people, you sent another person to hell. If he did accept Christ, you killed him because of the mess he caused. Congratulations, you killed a child of God. The Word says, "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." -Romans 12:19 KJV

Christians run around all day on any other occasion saying, "Hold your peace, let the Lord fight your battles." People sing the song, "If I hold my peace, let the Lord fight my battles, victory, victory shall be mine." But today it's a different story, today people are saying, "Osama is dead! I love my President! Justice is served!" What happened to letting God fight our battles??? What happened to giving way to wrath??? Then you sit around wondering why people go around calling American Christians hypocrites and why foreigners call us "Stupid Americans."

How about using that same energy that you used to say all this nonsense to encourage a young person to go to school, get an education, value their life, provide for themselves and eventually a family "the right way"?

I was listening to Kirk Franklin's new album Hello Fear. The Song "Everyone Hurts" came on and all I could do was think about what is going on. Rather than look for revenge on the man who was behind the killings of many people, why didn't we pray that God will heal the hurt?

It really bothers me to see this reaction to the death of someone. I don't care who he was, no one deserves to be killed, let God handle that.

So tonight, I cry out for the world. I pray for the restoration of people all over the world. I pray for all the people who were effected by any attacks that were caused by Osama Bin Laden. I pray for all those who are celebrating the death of Bin Laden. I pray for those who were hurt by his death. I pray for the kids who were killed as a result of gang violence. I pray for those who are against the education and prosperity of our young people. I pray for the young people, that they are encouraged by someone who can help them succeed in life. I pray for all of the lost souls, the souls that strayed away, the souls that are in between light and dark. I pray for the world, that God would move like a tsunami on the hearts of everyone. I pray that God would touch the hearts of those who lost family members in all of the natural disasters. There are too many natural disasters to name them all, the end times are here. I pray that God's people will move out of their comfort zones and win more souls for Christ. I pray that people will begin to rejoice over the won souls rather than the death of lost ones. I pray that there will be a shift in the economy, so the impoverished will no longer live in poverty. I pray that there will be a shift in violence, that there will be more saved lives than deaths. I pray for all of the missionaries out there making a difference in the lives of people through the Word of God. I pray for those in high positions that they will lead people in the right direction. I pray for the leaders in the church, that they will prepare their people to witness and evangelize everywhere. I pray for the laymen, that they will not only come to church, but walk in their purpose that God has for them. I pray that they will move out of the pews and into the streets and lead souls to Christ. I cry out for every lost soul. God I know you will do these things according to Your perfect will. I pray all these things in the precious name of Christ Jesus. Amen

You all be blessed

Sista T

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Rant

This is something I wrote in April 2010 and never posted anywhere. It's making me think about some things so I feel a need to post it. I couldn't figure out what to call it so when I saved it, I called it a "Love Rant"... Welp, here it goes...


What is love?

Can I fully experience it?

Why do I desire it?

Can someone tell me?

I feel like I’m on a never-ending search

For something that I should be able to find in a church

But truth be told, sometimes it’s so full of hate

And you have those who will try to debate

That the church is so loving and caring

So explain to me why some “church folk” are hating and airing

The business that isn’t their own,

Say not to gossip, and are the first one on the phone

When someone gets caught out there

Instead of praying, they laugh and stare?

I don’t get it………


What is it?

I’ll tell you what it is

Love is when you give your life for someone you care for

Love is when you forgive

Love is when you can look past someone’s faults and see their heart

Love is when you give to those who don’t have

Love is……something a lot of people don’t understand

We tend to look for love in people, places, objects, etc. How many people actually go to God and say “Lord show me how to love. You showed me You loved me by sending Jesus Christ to die for me. Jesus Christ showed He loved me by dying a brutal death and in the midst of that asked that You would forgive me. I know I can’t show You or anyone else I love them in that manner, so show me what I need to do and I will.” ??? That’s my prayer and I encourage you to make it your own.

Friday, February 11, 2011

There Will Come A Day

"His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord"
-Matthew 25:21

I was sitting in my room thinking last night and I just started writing what was in my head...

There Will Come A Day

There will come a day…
When I no longer have to cry
When I can wake up with a smile
When I don’t feel heavy
There will come a day…

There will come a day…
When I don’t have to wonder
When I can be confident at all times
When I don’t have to question
There will come a day…

There will come a day…
When my Father will come to rescue me
When I no longer have to live in this cruel, cold world
When I will hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”
There will come a day…

I always have dreams that things will change
I always believe that God will work things out
I have faith bigger than the size of a mustard seed
But “things aren’t changing fast enough”

I get discouraged like any other person
I question whether the things I secretly desire will become mine
I know deep down inside that God won’t let me down
I know that one day I will be just fine

That day may not be today
That day may not be tomorrow
That day may not come within the next 2 years
But I do know one thing,

There will come a day…

Monday, February 7, 2011

Time For A Change...Reclaiming God's Children

"You know a lot of times we sit around and think about how the world can change for the better. My brothers and sisters we gotta be about this thing. I want you to stand up on your feet and believe it. COME ON!!!" -Jor el Quinn

So once again, music has inspired me to write. I have been rocking to this song by 21:03 called "Time For A Change" featuring Chris Clark since I first heard it about 2 years ago. I always had this passion for helping people and introducing Christ through song. I have many, many ideas in my head from dreams, visions, and just being out at various events, but most of my ideas come from things I hear. Now my last blog was about motive (Make Me Invisible), this one, however, is about ACTION.

We always say things need to change but we leave it to the leaders of the church. As a young female who is bothered by the things that are said by some young people and adults alike, we need to do something, seriously. That something has to begin with us. We need to evaluate our lives and learn about God before we can tell someone else about God. Our attitudes need to be right, our motives need to be right, etc. No one is perfect and I understand that but we need to be making an effort to be Christ-like. We need to be in prayer and fasting, going to church, going to bible study and things like that. We should be EXAMPLES.

There are a lot of places that are being attacked by the enemy and we need to be ready to stand our ground with the help of God. Our churches are being attacked, and don't think your church isn't being attacked because satan can have his angels sitting right in the congregation. Remember, satan knows the Word better than some of the "holiest" people in the church, which is why we need to be studying the Word. Other places that are being attacked are our homes, our schools, our jobs, and our communities. We need to do something people.

In the song they say we can't be ashamed, I agree but we can't be afraid either. I have 3 scriptures that come to mind when I say that. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus was talking to the disciples after he had risen and he told them, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." I have learned one thing about myself and that is, I can't teach something if I'm not confident in it and don't believe it. We need to believe what we are teaching otherwise it means nothing. Whether we are teaching Sunday School, or teaching through song, or poems, we need to be confident and believe the Word in which we teach.

The second scripture I'm reminded of is Jeremiah 1:4-9 when God called Jeremiah to be a prophet. Jeremiah's excuse was that he was just a child and God told him, "Say not, that I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." I used to say that, until I realized that people younger than me were looking at me. It made me realize that I'm older than SOMEBODY and even people older than me could be watching and be drawn to God through my actions.

The final scripture that reminded me of was in Exodus 3 where God sent his angel in the form of a burning bush. God was telling Moses to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go free. Moses asked God in verse 11, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?" A lot of people, when they are called to do something for the Kingdom, will ask, well who am I to do that? Does God know the things I did? The things I said? The thoughts I had? Well yes He does and He can use anyone he pleases.

If you have read all the verses I mentioned, you would notice that every person was assured that God would be with them. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus said "and, lo, I am with you alway,even unto the end of the world." In Jeremiah 1:8, God said, "Be not afraid of their faces; for I am with thee to deliver thee." In Exodus 3:12, God said, "Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee." God will not send you to do something and not be with you. You have to be in constant communication with Him though, 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

If you aren't sure whether God sent you to do something specifically yet, tell your story. I was watching an interview with Evin and Jor el of 21:03 on youtube. They touched on that a bit. Paraphrasing, people can benefit from know what you went through. Telling your story can help someone get through a tough time or even let them know they're not alone. In my opinion, and from listening to others, some people don't like "churchfolk" because they "act too holy" and act like they have never been through anything.

It's time to do as we are called. It's time to reclaim God's children. It's time to walk in our purposes. It's time for a change. God is with us so why are we so hesitant? For those who are already walking in their calling, why not step it up a notch? Satan only wants to do 3 things, steal, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) It's time to RECLAIM what belongs to the Kingdom.

Speaking of reclaiming, there is a tour that began this past Friday in Minnesota. This tour includes Canton Jones, Claude Deuce, Willie "P Dub" Moore, Chris Clark, Da TRUTH, and 21:03. I have heard nothing but great things about this tour. It's called the RECLAIM Tour. If you want to start reclaiming God's children, start living like it. Pass out tracks (and don't say they cost too much because I can get 100 for $10 and some sites give them out for free), Bring your friends/classmates/roommates/co-workers to church, bring them to Christian events, bring them to concerts, buy them Christian cds, TELL THEM YOUR STORY!!!

Let's spread the Word of God and reclaim what belongs to Him. I have a goal, by this time next year I want to have had planned and organized a Christian event that young people would benefit from and make it an annual event. Of couse I will be praying about that but I really want to put some of these idea into action and help bring God's children back.

Are you willing to help reclaim His children and make this change happen?

Sista T

BTW...I don't want to offend anyone by what I say, if you know you are doing what you are called to do then fine. This is just for thought, not to come down on anyone because I'm not God. I can't say whether you are doing what you are called to do or not. That is between you and Him. So I hope it caused you to think about what you do for the Kingdom and if it inspires or encourages you, then praise God. That is all...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Make Me Invisible

About a week and a half ago, I said that I would be posting a new blog soon. That blog was never finished because I have so much to say and don't know how to say it so that it makes sense. I also need to do more research on it. But I do have another blog already hand written (I wrote it this morning) and I see it as important for anyone who shares the Word of God. It all came from listening to a song...

I have had "Invisible" by Kierra "KiKi" Sheard on repeat for a couple days now. In the song, Kierra is talking about how some gospel singers have now made everything about them. The song starts out, "A total eclipse has just begun, we've blocked out the Son. Can't believe this is what we've come to." Yea...neither can I, but that hit me so hard. It really hit me because I always say "I will serve God with all my heart, it's not about me, it's about Him reaching His people," but when I get up to sing every Sunday, it's a different story. I tend to worry about what the music sounds like and why I'm hearing things I really don't want to hear. The last thing on my mind while I'm up there is, I'm a vessel being used by God. Now we(the praise team, and musicians) pray together before service with one of the ministers but after that prayer, it seems as though we never prayed for God to use us.

The hook says "It's time to take to the stage, then I'll move out the way, so that they only see You that's inside of me. Don't let me block the view, that's not what I want to do. I want to be seen through, make sure they see You. Make me invisible..." My sincere prayer before service should be something like, "God I pray that you would show up today and use me as Your vessel. I will decrease so that you may increase. God make me invisible so that people will see You and not me. Holy Spirit, have your way in this place." The Word says, in John 3:30, "He must increase but I must decrease." We need too take heed to that verse. God can only increase if we decrease and put ourselves aside.

This blog is not just for singers and performers, but for leaders and clergy, as well as those who witness or testify. When we speak to people, they should not be seeing us, meaning, nothing should be about us. The focus should be on God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you can't use yourself as an example to glorify God. Just don't make everything about you and say things like, "I did this" and "I did that," now I have peace, thank you JeSUSSSSS!!! God gave you peace, so it's not what you did.

I have some questions:
- Preachers, when you get up to do a sermon, are you focused on making sure God gets all the glory and letting him use you? Or are you trying to sound and look good? Are you just trying to get to your whoop so that people can get hype? Or are you trying to decrease yourself so that God can use you as a vessel to reach His people?
-Congregation, are you focused on what other people are doing to determine the reaction they will get from you? If you were in a dark room with a bunch or people and all you could do was hear and see the scriptures posted up on a screen, would you still have the same reaction you would have if the preacher was visible and jumping all over the pulpit? (Nothing against that, if the spirit causes you to jump, by all means, jump your life away.)

My point is that we need to start making God the ONLY focus in our lives, while preaching, while teaching, while singing, while praise dancing, while playing instruments. God make us invisible...

"My soul, wait thou only upon God, for my expectation is from Him." -Psalm 62:5

Love you much!!!

Sista T